What is the minimum duration charged when starting a virtual warehouse?

What is the minimum duration charged when starting a virtual warehouse?A . 1 secondB . 1 minuteC . 1 hourD . 1 dayView AnswerAnswer: B

October 12, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

True or False: When you create a custom role, it is a practice to immediately grant that role to ACCOUNTADMIN.

True or False: When you create a custom role, it is a practice to immediately grant that role to ACCOUNTADMIN.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: B

October 11, 20211 CommentREAD MORE +

True or False: It is possible for a user to run a query against the query result cache without requiring an active Warehouse.

True or False: It is possible for a user to run a query against the query result cache without requiring an active Warehouse.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: B

October 10, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the most granular object that the Time Travel retention period can be defined on?

What is the most granular object that the Time Travel retention period can be defined on?A . AccountB . DatabaseC . SchemaD . TableView AnswerAnswer: D

October 10, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Snowflake recommends, as a minimize, that all users with the following roles(s) should be enrolled in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

Snowflake recommends, as a minimize, that all users with the following roles(s) should be enrolled in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):A . SECURITYADMIN, ACCOUNTADMIN, PUBLIC, SYSADMINB . SECURITYADMIN ACCOUNTADMIN, SYSADMINC . SECURITYADMIN, ACCOUNTADMIND . ACCOUNTADMINView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Reference: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/security-mfa.html

October 10, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which statement best describes Snowflake tables?

Which statement best describes Snowflake tables?A . Snowflake tables are logical representations of underlying physical dataB . Snowflake tables ate the physical instantiation of data loaded Into SnowflakeC . Snowflake tables require that clustering keys be defined to perform optimallyD . Snowflake tables are owned by a userView AnswerAnswer: A...

October 10, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

True or False: Users are able to see the result sets of queries executed by other users that share their same role.

True or False: Users are able to see the result sets of queries executed by other users that share their same role.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Reference: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/security-access-control-considerations.html

October 10, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following commands sets the Virtual Warehouse for a session?

Which of the following commands sets the Virtual Warehouse for a session?A . COPT WAREHOUSE FROM <<Config file> ;B . SET warehouse = <<warehouse name>>;C . USE WAREHOUSE <<warehouse name>>;D . USE VIRTUAL_WAREHOUSE <<warehouse name>>;View AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/warehouses-tasks.html

October 10, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following statements is true of Snowflake micro-partitioning?

Which of the following statements is true of Snowflake micro-partitioning?A . Micro-partitioning has been known to introduce data skewB . Micro-partitioning: requires a partitioning schema to be defined up frontC . Micro-partitioning is transparently completed using the ordering that occurs when the data is inserted/loadedD . Micro-partitioning can be disabled...

October 10, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

What happens when a Data Provider revokes privileges to a Share on an object in their source database?

What happens when a Data Provider revokes privileges to a Share on an object in their source database?A . The object immediately becomes unavailable for all Data ConsumersB . Any additional data arriving after this point in time will not be visible to Data ConsumersC . The Data Consumers stop...

October 10, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +