What are Smart Controls?

What are Smart Controls?A . SAPUI5 controls that can be rendered dynamically according to OData service annotationsB . Basic SAPUI5 controls recommended for standalone usageC . The predecessor of Smart TemplatesD . Application templates for SAPUI5 applications to optimize developmentView AnswerAnswer: D

January 20, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What parameter is needed when instantiating a MockServer object?

What parameter is needed when instantiating a MockServer object?A . urlB . uriC . rootUrlD . rootUriView AnswerAnswer: D

January 20, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

When do you need to work with local data?

When do you need to work with local data?A . To perform a quick test without creating live entities on the back-end server.B . When performance is poor in the productive system.C . When you want to reduce the complexity of your application.D . When working with static data.View AnswerAnswer:...

January 20, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What are the advantages of Local Annotations Over SADL-based Annotations? Note:

What are the advantages of Local Annotations Over SADL-based Annotations? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this questionA . Can Override the CDS based AnnotationsB . Can handle Complex annotations which is not a bound to a single field or entityC . Local Annotations are more reusable as compared...

January 20, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

In the code on the screenshot, what are the absolute paths of the property that retrieves the City value for the company Acme Inc.? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question

In the code on the screenshot, what are the absolute paths of the property that retrieves the City value for the company Acme Inc.? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question A . /regions/1/companies/l/cityB . /regions/companies/O/cityC . /regions/0/companies/O/cityD . /region [OJ/companies[0]/cityView AnswerAnswer: C

January 20, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which file of the SAP HAT Connector stores the WeblDEHosts URL and can be used for troubleshooting?

Which file of the SAP HAT Connector stores the WeblDEHosts URL and can be used for troubleshooting?A . Assistmsg.jsonB . Config.jsonC . Package.jsonD . appConfig.jsView AnswerAnswer: B

January 19, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

When is the use of a master-detail pattern not recommended?

When is the use of a master-detail pattern not recommended?A . You need to offer complex filters for the master list of items.B . When you want to display different facets of the same object, data, or both.C . You want to display a single object.View AnswerAnswer: A,B

January 19, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Why does SAP Fiori use an intent-based navigation?

Why does SAP Fiori use an intent-based navigation?A . Apps targets can be deployed separatelyB . App implementation make the app deployment easierC . The concrete app targets can be deployed separatelyD . Apps can be developed and deployed in parallelView AnswerAnswer: B

January 19, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the relation between the model and the controller in the standard MVC implementation?

What is the relation between the model and the controller in the standard MVC implementation?A . The model notifies the controller about changes.B . The controller sets the model visibility.C . The model updates the controller.D . The controller modifies the model.View AnswerAnswer: A,D

January 19, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which OData service method can you use?

Your customer requests a special create method to enable the creation of the full OData hierarchy. Which OData service method can you use?A . CREATE_DEEP_ENTITYB . EXECUTE_DEEP_INSERTC . CREATE_STREAMD . CREATE_BATCH_ENTITYView AnswerAnswer: A

January 19, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +