Which three options could be used to deliver the report to the manager using Reports in Marketing Cloud?

A marketer needs to share report results with a manager. Which three options could be used to deliver the report to the manager using Reports in Marketing Cloud? (Choose three.)A . Save the report as a Snapshot.B . Text a link to the report.C . Email the report.D . Notify...

May 25, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which three considerations should the marketing team keep in mind as they begin using Content Builder?

A marketer is about to introduce Content Builder to the entire Northern Trail Outfitters' marketing team. Which three considerations should the marketing team keep in mind as they begin using Content Builder? (Choose three.)A . Establish a naming convention optimized for search.B . Create a folder structure prior to importing...

May 24, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which activity should be used to run the backup automatically?

A customer has a Send Log they are using to track the email addresses that were sent to, date and time of the send, and the name of the email sent for reporting purposes. Per best practice, the customer stores 30 days of data in their Send Log and then...

May 24, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

What functionality can be used to accommodate this?

Northern Trail Outfitters wants to use something other than an email address to identify subscribers. What functionality can be used to accommodate this?A . Subscriber KeyB . Primary KeyC . Subscriber AttributesD . System PreferencesView AnswerAnswer: A

May 24, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

What type of message is most suitable in this situation?

A customer leverages transactional messages to send order confirmations. What type of message is most suitable in this situation?A . Send FlowB . User-Initiated EmailC . Test SendD . Triggered EmailView AnswerAnswer: D

May 24, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

How can access to the Master Customer table be restricted?

Northern Trail Outfitters has a Master Customer shared data extension. The company wants to make the table available to some of the business units, but not all of them. How can access to the Master Customer table be restricted?A . Manage Data Extension PoliciesB . Data Extension Sharing RulesC ....

May 23, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which two best practices should the customer follow to ensure marketers across the company are taking full advantage of Content Builder? (Choose two.)

Which two best practices should the customer follow to ensure marketers across the company are taking full advantage of Content Builder? (Choose two.)A . Plan for content to be used cross-channel, eliminating duplicates.B . Optimize the way content is stored with a naming convention.C . Import all content up front,...

May 23, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which two subscriber audiences can be created by using Measures in a Data Filter? (Choose two.)

Which two subscriber audiences can be created by using Measures in a Data Filter? (Choose two.)A . Subscribers who have not clicked in the past three months.B . Subscribers who have submitted spam complaints in the last week.C . Subscribers within a 30-mile radius of a zip code.D . Subscribers...

May 23, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which three design best practices would the marketer use?

A marketer is designing email for mobile devices. Which three design best practices would the marketer use? (Choose three.)A . Use image-based text for hero graphics.B . Cut content to make the message fit above the fold.C . Keep copy simple and direct.D . Stack the content in a single...

May 23, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

How should the data be updated?

A company has one million subscribers. The company has a Master data extension that contains information about its subscribers, such as Email Address, Physical Mailing Address, Phone Number, and Loyalty information. There are 40 fields in the data extension. The data is used for multiple daily email campaigns. How should...

May 22, 2020 1 Comment READ MORE +