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What data is there in mobile connect demographics, select3
What data is there in mobile connect demographics, select3A . City B. Region C. Email D. First name E. channelView AnswerAnswer: A,D,E
What is the fastes way to add a classification to a post?
What is the fastes way to add a classification to a post?A . Macro B. Add classification manually to each post. C. Classification cannot be added to a postView AnswerAnswer: A
What would happen?
You are using replace inbox message feature. But your audience has changed and some of the contacts who received the first message do not exist. What would happen?A . the inbox message is replaced for all user. B. the inbox message is replaced only for users who do not exist:...
Where to create topic profiles in command center?
Where to create topic profiles in command center?A . command center B. social automate C. social adminView AnswerAnswer: C
How dots social studio unify anonymous and known identities?
How dots social studio unify anonymous and known identities?A . Deterministic matchingView AnswerAnswer: A
How does social studio unify anonymous and known identities?
How does social studio unify anonymous and known identities?A . Deterministic matching B. social networkingView AnswerAnswer: A
3 possible reasons why a SMS message would fail to reach users mobile? (select 3 options)
3 possible reasons why a SMS message would fail to reach users mobile? (select 3 options)A . switched off B. SMS sent to landline number C. mobile is in another call D. out of cellular network coverage E. Low batteryView AnswerAnswer: A,B,D
What is true about SMS keywords other than HELP and STOP?
What is true about SMS keywords other than HELP and STOP?A . keywords in parent business unit are automatically available to all child business units B. keywords in child business unit can be shared between other child business units C. keywords in parent or child business unit are available only...
How frequently does Einstein Engagement Scoring updates to email?
How frequently does Einstein Engagement Scoring updates to email?A . Email daily B. Mobile Weekly C. Model MonthlyView AnswerAnswer: B
How would you design this Multiple select?
send multiple emails over a period of 3 months with link to download mobile app. If link clicked then send app feature emails else same mails to download mobile app after every 3 days. How would you design this Multiple select?A . use journey with email activities and enagagement split...