Which scope would you select for the data page?

You need to fetch exchange rates that are updated on a daily basis from a web service and make them available in your application using a data page. Which scope would you select for the data page?A . Application B. Request C. Node D. ThreadView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: it fetches...

July 27, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

How do you provide users with guidance for completing a form and avoid the need for application training?

How do you provide users with guidance for completing a form and avoid the need for application training?A . Add an optional action to the case to explain the task. B. Send a notification to the assigned user. C. Add an instruction to the assignment. D. Add the corresponding step...

July 26, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which two of the following use cases do you implement by using one or more calculated fields? (Choose Two)

Which two of the following use cases do you implement by using one or more calculated fields? (Choose Two)A . An accountant wants to list the largest order for the last month, for each customer account. B. A project manager wants to estimate the cost of painting a banquet hall...

July 25, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which two requirements ensure that valid data is used in a case? (Choose Two)

Which two requirements ensure that valid data is used in a case? (Choose Two)A . The data is locally sourced. B. The data fits the business logic. C. The data is organized in a data type. D. The data is the correct field type.View AnswerAnswer: B,D Explanation: To ensure that...

July 25, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

For a car insurance quote case type, you must create a view for the customers to enter their information, to process the request.

For a car insurance quote case type, you must create a view for the customers to enter their information, to process the request. What are two primary decisions to make before you add fields to the view' (Choose Two)A . How do users enter values into the field? B. Is...

July 24, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which two requirements demonstrate the need to configure correspondence? (Choose Two)

Which two requirements demonstrate the need to configure correspondence? (Choose Two)A . Assign a new insurance claim to a case worker to process. B. Phone a customer for additional information about the case. C. Fax a new insurance claim to the auto repair shop. D. Text the customer with status...

July 24, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

How do you configure the case life cycle to achieve this behavior?

In a boat repair case type, clients can set their boat type as Powered, Sail, or Row. During the Inspection stage, the Inspect Boat process prompts technicians to inspect the common parts of all boats. However, if .boatType = 'Sail,' the technicians are additionally prompted to complete the Inspect Sailboat...

July 23, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

How do you configure the Wait steps for this requirement?

You are configuring an accident claim case for an automobile insurance company with two child cases as illustrated. The requirement changes to allow the parent case to continue before the child cases resolve. How do you configure the Wait steps for this requirement?A . Configure the Wait step to continue...

July 22, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following are benefits of DCO?

Direct Capture of Objectives (DCO) provides many benefits. Which of the following are benefits of DCO? (Choose Two)A . Provide real-time awareness of project development to all project participants. B. Automatically define and store application requirements. C. Easily convert legacy operations to automated business processes. D. Use working models to...

July 21, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

To meet this requirement you configure a service level. Where should the service level be configured?

In an insurance claim application, you have the following requirement: All claims must be resolved within 30 days. To meet this requirement you configure a service level. Where should the service level be configured?A . The case type B. The process C. The stage D. The stepView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation:...

July 21, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +