Static Entities are most similar to which other programming concept?

Static Entities are most similar to which other programming concept?A . Enumeration. B. Linked lists. C. Hash Maps. D. Static variables.View AnswerAnswer: A

June 21, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following steps is necessary to create a 1-to-l relationship between Entity A and Entity B?

Which of the following steps is necessary to create a 1-to-l relationship between Entity A and Entity B? A. Set the data type of the identifier attribute of Entity B to Entity A Identifier. B. Add a new Entity C, with two reference attributes of type Entity A Identifier and...

June 21, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

In which Service Studio layer can Entities be found?

In which Service Studio layer can Entities be found?A . Data B. Logic C. Processes D. InterfaceView AnswerAnswer: D

June 20, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Regarding data relationships, which of the following options is correct?

Regarding data relationships, which of the following options is correct?A . An Entity must have an identifier to allow relationships. B. The Entity identifier must be an integer. C. A reference attribute needs to be mandatory. D. An Entity can only have one reference attribute.View AnswerAnswer: A

June 19, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

How is the data fetched by an Aggregate bound to a Table or a List widget?

How is the data fetched by an Aggregate bound to a Table or a List widget?A . By setting the Source property of the widget to the output of the Aggregate. B. By creating a Screen Action that programmatically assigns the widget to the data fetched by the Aggregate. C....

June 18, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Regarding Sorting in Aggregates, which of the following options is correct?

Regarding Sorting in Aggregates, which of the following options is correct?A . Aggregates only support one sorting criterion. B. It is only possible to set multiple sorting criteria if duplicate records exist in the entity. C. If more than one sorting criterion is defined, all of them must have the...

June 18, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

In which Service Studio layer can Screens and Blocks be found?

In which Service Studio layer can Screens and Blocks be found?A . Processes B. Data C. Interface D. LogicView AnswerAnswer: C

June 18, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Regarding the If Widget, which of the following options is false?

Regarding the If Widget, which of the following options is false?A . Functions can be used inside the Condition of an If. B. Only one of the branches is shown at runtime. C. Multiple widgets may be added inside each branch. D. More branches may be added to an If...

June 17, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which one?

One of the following Tools allows you to manage the application's lifecycle across an infrastructure. Which one?A . LifeTime B. Service Studio C. Integration Studio D. Service CenterView AnswerAnswer: A

June 17, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Screens are composed of several elements called Widgets.

Screens are composed of several elements called Widgets.A . False B. TrueView AnswerAnswer: B

June 17, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +