The LDAP Incremental import relies on the 'modifyTimestamp' attribute to determine whether an LDAP entry has been imported. But, there are times when some on-prem LDAP servers's system clock could go backward / be delayed - hence Okta missing some updates on an LDAP import. Okta has an option to deal with these issues, called:

The LDAP Incremental import relies on the 'modifyTimestamp' attribute to determine whether an LDAP entry has been imported. But, there are times when some on-prem LDAP servers's system clock could go backward / be delayed - hence Okta missing some updates on an LDAP import. Okta has an option to...

April 17, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

'token_type_hint' indicates the type of 'token' being passed. Valid value(s) can be:

'token_type_hint' indicates the type of 'token' being passed. Valid value(s) can be:A . 'access_token' B. 'oidc_token' C. 'id_token' D. 'refresh_token'View AnswerAnswer: A,C,D

April 16, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Okta can be used to authenticate a user into a:

Okta can be used to authenticate a user into a:A . Single Page App B. Web App C. Mobil AppView AnswerAnswer: A,B,C

April 16, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Okta serves pages on your custom domain over HTTPS. To set up this feature, you need to provide:

Okta serves pages on your custom domain over HTTPS. To set up this feature, you need to provide:A . A token in form of a cookie to the browser to locally (client-side) store session information to your custom domain B. A valid Service Account to Okta for setup C. An...

April 16, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

In regards to OpenID COnnect & OAuth 2.0 API, '/token' is the endpoint which has the following use:

In regards to OpenID COnnect & OAuth 2.0 API, '/token' is the endpoint which has the following use:A . Obtain an access and/or ID token by presenting an authorization grant or refresh token B. Return information about a token C. Revoke an access or refresh token D. End the session...

April 15, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is worth to consider checking first?

You are faced with the error: "Failed to connect to the specified LDAP server displays.". What is worth to consider checking first?A . That the 'username' attribute's format contains the exact 'email' attribute's address value B. To make sure you enabled LDAPS C. To run a query and see if...

April 14, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

You can further integrate Advanced Server Access with Okta by configuring SCIM, which allows your:

You can further integrate Advanced Server Access with Okta by configuring SCIM, which allows your:A . Advanced Server Access groups (only) to be managed by Okta B. Advanced Server Access users (only) to be managed by Okta C. Advanced Server Access groups and users to be managed by Okta D....

April 14, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

You should use Okta RADIUS Server agent for authentication, when authentication is being performed by:

You should use Okta RADIUS Server agent for authentication, when authentication is being performed by:A . VPN devices that don’t support SAML B. AD DCs that don't support SAML C. Virtual Desktops and Reverse Proxies that don’t support SAMLView AnswerAnswer: A,C

April 14, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Open ID Connect and OAuth 2.0 are used as follows:

Open ID Connect and OAuth 2.0 are used as follows:A . OIDC is used to authorize users into a web application, whereas OAuth 2.0 is used to authorize access for API purposes B. OIDC is used to authenticate users into a web application, whereas OAuth 2.0 is used to authorize...

April 14, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

'invalid_client' error is thrown when:

'invalid_client' error is thrown when:A . The scopes list contains an invalid or unsupported value B. The specified 'client_id' wasn't found C. The request structure was invalidView AnswerAnswer: B

April 14, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +