Which mongodb tool is used to report details on number of database operations in MongoDB?

Which mongodb tool is used to report details on number of database operations in MongoDB?A . mongorestoreB . mongostatC . mongodumpD . mongotopView AnswerAnswer: B

February 6, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which command can be used to rebuild the indexes on a collection in MongoDB?

Which command can be used to rebuild the indexes on a collection in MongoDB?A . db.collection.createlndex({relndex:l})B . db.collection.reIndex({author:l})C . db.collection.relndexQD . db.collection.createIndex({author:l}).reIndex()View AnswerAnswer: C

February 5, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which option can be used with update command so that a new document gets created if no matching document is found based on the query condition?

Which option can be used with update command so that a new document gets created if no matching document is found based on the query condition?A . upsert command instead of update commandB . {update: true, insert: true} as the third parameter of update commandC . This has to be...

February 4, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

If the value of totalKeysExamined is 30000 and the value of totalDocsExamined is 0, which of the following option is correct?

If the value of totalKeysExamined is 30000 and the value of totalDocsExamined is 0, which of the following option is correct?A . None of the aboveB . The query used an index to fetch the resultsC . The query returned 0 documentsD . The query returned 30000 documents after scanning...

February 3, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following statements are true about the $match pipeline operator? Check all that apply.

Which of the following statements are true about the $match pipeline operator? Check all that apply.A . You should use it early as possible in the pipelineB . It can be used as many time as needed.C . It has a sintax similar to findQ commands.View AnswerAnswer: A,B,C

February 3, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following query will calculate the population grouped by state and city?

Consider that you have a collection called population which has fields state and city. Which of the following query will calculate the population grouped by state and city?A . db.population.aggregate( [{ $group: { _id: { state: "$state", city; "$city" },pop: { $sum: 1 > > >] )B . db.population.aggregate( [{...

February 3, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Assuming no other problems occur, which of the following describes what is most likely to happen?

Given a replica set with five data-bearing members, suppose the primary goes down with operations in its oplog that have been copied from the primary to only one secondary. Assuming no other problems occur, which of the following describes what is most likely to happen?A . missing operations will need...

February 3, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

JSON stands for

JSON stands forA . JavaScript Object NotationB . JavaScript Object NamingC . JavaScript Object NoticeD . None of the aboveView AnswerAnswer: A

February 2, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What should be the value of j?

In a sharded replica set environment, the w Option provides ability for write concern and j Option provides ability for the data to be written on disk journal. Consider that we have a seven member replica set and we want to assure that the writes are committed to journal. What...

February 2, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Dada una coleccion, cuales devuelve con la siguiente query db.coleccion.find({nombre:"ruben",apellido:"gomez"},{nombre:l,apellido:l,aficion:l});

Dada una coleccion, cuales devuelve con la siguiente query db.coleccion.find({nombre:"ruben",apellido:"gomez"},{nombre:l,apellido:l,aficion:l});A . { "-id" : Objectld("580a42b5dfblb5al7427d302"), "nombre" : "ruben", "apellido" : "gomez", "aficion" : v u "flipar" }B . { "_id" : Objectld("580a42acdfblb5al7427d301"), "nombre" : "Luis", "apellido" : "gomez", "aficion" : u "flipar" }C . { "_id" : Objectld("580a42acdfblb5al7427d301"), "nombre" :...

February 2, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +