Which command makes the shell variable named VARIABLE visible to subshells?

Which command makes the shell variable named VARIABLE visible to subshells?A . export $VARIABLEB . export VARIABLEC . set $VARIABLED . set VARIABLEE . env VARIABLEView AnswerAnswer: B

March 27, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

When the command echo $ outputs 1, which of the following statements is true?

When the command echo $ outputs 1, which of the following statements is true?A . It is the process ID of the echo command.B . It is the process ID of the current shell.C . It is the exit value of the command executed immediately before echo.D . It is...

March 27, 2021 1 Comment READ MORE +

How is the content of the section SectionName associated with that section?

The X11 configuration file xorg.conf is grouped into sections. How is the content of the section SectionName associated with that section?A . It is placed in curly brackets as in Section SectionName { ... }.B . It is placed between a line containing Section "SectionName" and a line containing EndSection.C...

March 26, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What output will the following command produce?

What output will the following command produce? seq 1 5 20A . 1 6 11 16B . 1 5 10 15C . 1 2 3 4D . 2 3 4 5E . 5 10 15 20View AnswerAnswer: A

March 26, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the default name of the configuration file for the Xorg X11 server?

CORRECT TEXT What is the default name of the configuration file for the Xorg X11 server? (Specify the file name only without any path.)View AnswerAnswer: xorg.conf

March 26, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which command will set the local machine's timezone to UTC?

Which command will set the local machine's timezone to UTC?A . cat UTC > /etc/timezoneB . ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtimeC . date --timezone=UTCD . mv /usr/timezone/UTC /etcView AnswerAnswer: B

March 26, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What keyword is missing from this code sample of a shell script?

What keyword is missing from this code sample of a shell script? ____ i in *.txt; do echo $i doneA . forB . loopC . untilD . whileView AnswerAnswer: A

March 26, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

How is the file format of /etc/crontab different from a normal crontab file? (Select TWO correct answers)

How is the file format of /etc/crontab different from a normal crontab file? (Select TWO correct answers)A . The /etc/crontab file can specify a year field.B . A normal crontab file must be installed with the crontab command.C . A normal crontab file allows for environment variable substitution.D . The...

March 25, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the purpose of the Sticky Keys feature in X?

What is the purpose of the Sticky Keys feature in X?A . To assist users who have difficulty holding down multiple keys at onceB . To prevent repeated input of a single character if the key is held downC . To ignore brief keystrokes according to a specified time limitD...

March 25, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following are tasks handled by a display manager like XDM or KDM? (Choose TWO correct answers.)

Which of the following are tasks handled by a display manager like XDM or KDM? (Choose TWO correct answers.)A . Start and prepare the desktop environment for the user.B . Configure additional devices like new monitors or projectors when they are attached.C . Handle the login of a user.D ....

March 25, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +