CORRECT TEXT The dpkg-____ command will ask configuration questions for a specified package, just as if the package were being installed for the first time.View AnswerAnswer: reconfigure

July 25, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the difference between the i and a commands of the vi editor?

What is the difference between the i and a commands of the vi editor?A . i (interactive) requires the user to explicitly switch between vi modes whereas a (automatic) switches modesautomatically.B . i (insert) inserts text before the current cursor position whereas a (append) inserts text after the cursor.C ....

July 25, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What information can the lspci command display about the system hardware? (Choose THREE correct answers.)

What information can the lspci command display about the system hardware? (Choose THREE correct answers.)A . Device IRQ settingsB . PCI bus speedC . System battery typeD . Device vendor identificationE . Ethernet MAC addressView AnswerAnswer: A,B,D

July 25, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

In compliance with the FHS, in which of the directories are man pages found?

In compliance with the FHS, in which of the directories are man pages found?A . /usr/share/manB . /opt/manC . /usr/doc/D . /var/pkg/manE . /var/manView AnswerAnswer: A

July 25, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the output of the following command?

What is the output of the following command? echo "Hello World" | tr -d aieouA . Hello WorldB . eooC . Hll WrldD . eoo Hll WrldView AnswerAnswer: C

July 25, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What of the following statements are true regarding /dev/ when using udev? (Choose TWO correct answers.)

What of the following statements are true regarding /dev/ when using udev? (Choose TWO correct answers.)A . Entries for all possible devices get created on boot even if those devices are not connected.B . Additional rules for udev can be created by adding them to /etc/udev/rules.d/.C . When using udev,...

July 24, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following commands can be used to perform a full text search on all available packages on a Debian system?

Which of the following commands can be used to perform a full text search on all available packages on a Debian system?A . aptB . apt-cacheC . apt-getD . apt-searchE . dpkgView AnswerAnswer: B

July 24, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What command do you issue?

You want to preview where the package file, apache-xml.i386.rpm, will install its files before installing it. What command do you issue?A . rpm -qp apache-xml.i386.rpmB . rpm -qv apache-xml.i386.rpmC . rpm -ql apache-xml.i386.rpmD . rpm -qpl apache-xml.i386.rpmView AnswerAnswer: D

July 24, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which world-writable directory should be placed on a separate partition in order to prevent users from being able to fill up the / filesystem?

CORRECT TEXT Which world-writable directory should be placed on a separate partition in order to prevent users from being able to fill up the / filesystem? (Specify the full path to the directory.)View AnswerAnswer: /tmp, tmp,/var/tmp, /tmp/, /var/tmp/

July 23, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the first program that is usually started, at boot time, by the Linux kernel when using SysV init?

What is the first program that is usually started, at boot time, by the Linux kernel when using SysV init?A . /lib/init.soB . /sbin/initC . /etc/rc.d/rcinitD . /proc/sys/kernel/initE . /boot/initView AnswerAnswer: B

July 23, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +