What is a Linux distribution?

What is a Linux distribution?A . The Linux file system as seen from the root account after mounting all file systems.B . A bundling of the Linux kernel, system utilities and other software.C . The set of rules which governs the distribution of Linux kernel source code.D . An operating...

August 13, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following Linux distributions allows the team members to apply as much of their Red Hat Enterprise Linux knowledge as possible?

Members of a team already have experience using Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For a small hobby project, the team wants to set up a Linux server without paying for a subscription. Which of the following Linux distributions allows the team members to apply as much of their Red Hat Enterprise...

August 12, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What are the differences between hard disk drives and solid state disks? (Choose two.)

What are the differences between hard disk drives and solid state disks? (Choose two.)A . Hard disks have a motor and moving parts, solid state disks do not.B . Hard disks can fail due to physical damage, while solid state disks cannot fail.C . Solid state disks can store many...

August 12, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is true about the owner of a file?

What is true about the owner of a file?A . Each file is owned by exactly one user and one group.B . The owner of a file always has full permissions when accessing the file.C . The user owning a file must be a member of the file’s group.D ....

August 11, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following permissions are set on the /tmp/ directory?

Which of the following permissions are set on the /tmp/ directory?A . rwxrwxrwtB . ------rwXC . rwSrw-rw-D . rwxrwS--­E . r-xr-X--tView AnswerAnswer: A

August 11, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Given that the file is a valid shell script, how can this script be executed?

The current directory contains the following file: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 859688 Feb 7 08:15 test.sh Given that the file is a valid shell script, how can this script be executed? (Choose two.)A . run test.shB . ${test.sh}C . cmd ./test.shD . ./test.shE . bash test.shView AnswerAnswer: DE

August 9, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the UID of the user root?

What is the UID of the user root?A . 1B . -1C . 255D . 65536E . 0View AnswerAnswer: E

August 8, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following commands can be used to resolve a DNS name to an IP address?

Which of the following commands can be used to resolve a DNS name to an IP address?A . dnsnameB . dnsC . queryD . hostE . iplookupView AnswerAnswer: D

August 8, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following outputs comes from the command free?

Which of the following outputs comes from the command free? A) B) C) D) E) A . Option AB . Option BC . Option CD . Option DE . Option EView AnswerAnswer: E

August 7, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following types of bus can connect hard disk drives with the motherboard?

Which of the following types of bus can connect hard disk drives with the motherboard?A . The RAM busB . The NUMA busC . The CPU busD . The SATA busE . The Auto busView AnswerAnswer: D

August 7, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +