Which of the following activities is appropriate to the test planning stage?

Which of the following activities is appropriate to the test planning stage?A . Analyzing the test basisB . Assigning resources for the planned activitiesC . Designing the test environmentsD . Writing a test execution scheduleView AnswerAnswer: B

June 18, 20191 CommentREAD MORE +

Which of the following errors CANNOT be found with structure-based testing techniques?

Which of the following errors CANNOT be found with structure-based testing techniques?A . Memory is leakingB . Features are only partially implementedC . Data structures that are used before initializationD . Division by zeroView AnswerAnswer: A

June 18, 2019No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following options explain why it is often beneficial to have an independent test function in an organization?

Which of the following options explain why it is often beneficial to have an independent test function in an organization?A . To improve defect finding during reviews and testingB . To ensure that developers adhere to coding standardsC . To limit communication between developers and testersD . To provide better...

June 18, 2019No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following techniques should be implemented as a structural based coverage technique in order to achieve the highest coverage?

When testing a mission critical system, a high coverage should be achieved. Which of the following techniques should be implemented as a structural based coverage technique in order to achieve the highest coverage?A . multiple condition coverageB . decision tableC . use case testingD . statement coverageView AnswerAnswer: A

June 18, 2019No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following sentences describes one of these basic principles?

In foundation level syllabus you will find the main basic principles of testing. Which of the following sentences describes one of these basic principles?A . Complete testing of software is attainable if you have enough resources and test toolsB . For a software system, it is not possible, under normal...

June 17, 2019No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following is NOT a deciding factor in determining the extent of testing required?

Which of the following is NOT a deciding factor in determining the extent of testing required?A . Budget to do testingB . A particular tester involved in testingC . Level of risk of the product or featuresD . Time available to do testingView AnswerAnswer: B

June 17, 2019No CommentsREAD MORE +

How many test cases are necessary in order to achieve 100% statement coverage?

The following program part is given: IF (condition A) then DO B END IF How many test cases are necessary in order to achieve 100% statement coverage?A . 1B . 2C . 4D . a very high numberView AnswerAnswer: B

June 15, 2019No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following is an example of black-box dynamic testing?

Which of the following is an example of black-box dynamic testing?A . Code inspectionB . Checking memory leaks for a program by executing itC . Functional TestingD . Coverage analysisView AnswerAnswer: C

June 15, 2019No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following would be a good test technique to use when under severe time pressure?

Which of the following would be a good test technique to use when under severe time pressure?A . Exploratory testingB . Structure based testingC . Specification based testingD . Use Case testingView AnswerAnswer: B

June 13, 2019No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which test execution schedule meets the test plan requirements and logical dependencies?

Your task is to compile a test execution schedule for the current release of software. The system specification states the following logical dependencies: - An admin user must create/amend/delete a standard user. - A standard user is necessary to perform all other actions. The test plan requires that re-tests must...

June 12, 2019No CommentsREAD MORE +