In which order should the community manager perform activation steps?

Northern trail Outfitters has created a microsite digital experience for its Gold-Level VIP customers. The digital experience is not yet actives.

The community manager would like to send welcome emails on a specific day, which include a promotion for participating in the community.

In which order should the community manager perform activation steps?
A . Add available profiles and permission sets to the Admin Workspace, enable Contacts as community users, set welcome emails to Enabled, and set the community to Active.
B. Set the Community to Active, and available profiles and permission sets to the Admin Workspace, enable Contacts as community users, and set welcome emails to Enabled.
C. Publish the community, which will send out the welcome emails.
D. Set the community to Active, and available profiles and permission sets to the Adman Workspace, and create a process to send the welcome emails.

Answer: A

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