In terms of the GDPR, what happened?

An architect, leaving a building site, puts his laptop for a moment beside his car on the road, while answering his phone. When driving away he sees in the mirror his laptop being crushed by an enormous lorry driving over it. All his files on the design of the building...

June 12, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

According to the GDPR, what is the main reason to consider data protection in the initial design phase?

According to the GDPR, what is the main reason to consider data protection in the initial design phase?A . It ensures efficiency in project phasesB . It ensures privacy by defaultC . It reduces the risk of fraudD . It reduces the risk of liabilityView AnswerAnswer: B

June 11, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which situation is considered a data breach according to the GDPR?

Which situation is considered a data breach according to the GDPR?A . A processor deletes personal data after his contract with the controller expired.B . A processor leaves his computer unattended, where colleagues may be able to access it.C . After a disk crash a processor restores personal data from...

June 11, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which clause in this contract is a responsibility of the controller?

A controller can contract out the processing of personal data to another company, provided a written contract between these partners is in place. Which clause in this contract is a responsibility of the controller?A . To ensure that persons authorized to process the personal data have committed themselves to confidentiality...

June 11, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

According to the GDPR, what should the Dutch Supervisory Authority do in this scenario?

A German company wants to enter into a binding contract with a processor in the Netherlands for the processing of sensitive personal data of German data subjects. The Dutch Supervisory Authority is informed of the type of data and the aims of the processing, including the contract describing what data...

June 11, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following types of transfers of personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) is allowed?

Which of the following types of transfers of personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) is allowed?A . Transfer between country governments.B . Transfers subject to the law of the countries involved.C . Transfers conducted through Standard Contractual Clauses.D . Transfers conducted under Compulsory Corporate Rules.View AnswerAnswer: D Explanation:...

June 10, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What type of personal data is this?

Personal data as defined in the GDPR can be divided into several types. One of these types is described: Data that directly or indirectly reveal someone’s racial or ethnic background, political, philosophical, religious views, union affiliation and data related to health or sex life and sexual orientation. What type of...

June 10, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What else is a legal obligation of the Supervisory Authority in reaction to such a notification?

The Supervisory Authority is notified whenever an organization intends to process personal data, except for some specific situations. The Supervisory Authority keeps a publicly accessible register of these data processing operations. What else is a legal obligation of the Supervisory Authority in reaction to such a notification?A . To assess...

June 10, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the most important difference between the 95/46/EC and the GDPR?

What is the most important difference between the 95/46/EC and the GDPR?A . 95/46/EC applies as law in all EEA member states while the GDPR is a guidance.B . 95/46/EC applies to processing of data on EEA residents worldwide and the GDPR does not.C . The GDPR applies as law...

June 10, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the parts below can implement data protection by design (from conception)?

Which of the parts below can implement data protection by design (from conception)?A . The data subject.B . The Data Protection Officer (DPO).C . The processor.D . The supervisory authority.View AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: It is the duty of the processor to guarantee security in the treatment of the data entrusted...

June 10, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +