Which operating system is supported when installing Cyber Recovery as an application?

Which operating system is supported when installing Cyber Recovery as an application?A . SUSE Linux Enterprise 12SP 3B . SUSE Linux Enterprise 12SP 5C . CentOS Linux 7SP 3D . CentOS Linux 7SP 5View AnswerAnswer: A

September 8, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

What are the possible connection states of the CR Vault?

What are the possible connection states of the CR Vault?A . Acked, Unlocked, Unknown, Secured, and DowngradedB . Open, Locked, Secured, Promoted, and UnknownC . Degraded, Down, Up, Running, and MaintenanceD . Locked, Unlocked, Unknown, Secured, and DegradedView AnswerAnswer: A

September 8, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

What are the required components of a CR Vault Environment?

What are the required components of a CR Vault Environment?A . Power Protect DD, Dedicated Network, and CR management hostB . NTP, Cyber Recovery management host, and DNSC . Network connection, DNS, and Power Protect DDD . DNS, Power Protect DD, and NTPView AnswerAnswer: A

September 6, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

What should the solution architect used to determine a customer's Cyber Sense server requirements based on their environment?

What should the solution architect used to determine a customer's Cyber Sense server requirements based on their environment?A . Index Engines siteB . Sizing CalculatorC . Workload calculatorD . Cyber Recovery product guideView AnswerAnswer: D

September 5, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Before performing a NetWorker recovery, what command needs to be run to determine the UID required?

Before performing a NetWorker recovery, what command needs to be run to determine the UID required?A . crcli policy show-n{Policy_Name}B . crcli policy show-p{Policy_Name}C . crcli policy get-n{Policy_Name}D . crcli policy get-p{Policy_Name}View AnswerAnswer: A

September 4, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

What must be considered when planning and implementing a secure Cyber Recovery Vault solution?

What must be considered when planning and implementing a secure Cyber Recovery Vault solution?A . Production environment can use resources from Vault environmentB . Production environment is used to run the Cyber Recovery Management HostC . Vault and Production infrastructure must be managed by NOCD . Vault infrastructure is completely...

September 3, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which Cyber Recovery REST API section allows a user to create log bundles?

Which Cyber Recovery REST API section allows a user to create log bundles?A . NotificationsB . ActionsC . SystemsD . AuthenticationView AnswerAnswer: A

September 3, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

the NOC/SOC?

A customer wants to use the service of an external network operation center (NOC) /security operation center (SOC) to monitor the CR Vault environment What is the most secure solution if the customer wants to ensure that communication is only possible to the NOC/SOC?A . FirewallB . Dedicated Network LinkC...

September 2, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the result of running the ie restart-r command?

What is the result of running the ie restart-r command?A . the Cyber Sense v App is restartedB . the Cyber Sense software is unpackedC . the docker containers are removed and createdD . the docker image is successfully loadedView AnswerAnswer: B

September 1, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

While performing the post-checks for a newly restored Avamar server from the CR Vault, which Avamar command needs to be run to configure the Avamar management console?

While performing the post-checks for a newly restored Avamar server from the CR Vault, which Avamar command needs to be run to configure the Avamar management console?A . mcserver.sh--mccliB . av maint-mccliC . dpnctl_mccliD . avsetup_mccliView AnswerAnswer: D

August 31, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +