What are the three phases of data protection in a software-defined data center framework?

What are the three phases of data protection in a software-defined data center framework?A . define protection requirements, create protection policies, and enable protection policiesB . create protection policies, push protection policies, and monitor job completionC . discover protection architecture, define protection services, and orchestrate protection operationsD . create protection...

December 7, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which model does MapReduce utilize?

Which model does MapReduce utilize?A . Batch processingB . BackupC . Geographic mappingD . RedundancyView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Reference: https://datawhatnow.com/batch-processing-mapreduce/#:~:text=MapReduce%20is%20a%20programming%20model%20that%20allows%20the%20user%20to,a%20small%20amount%20of%20code.&text=Today%2C%20som e%20databases%20and%20data,the%20map%20and%20reduce%20functions

December 6, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which key metric should be used when updating the corporate disaster recovery plan to minimize data loss?

Which key metric should be used when updating the corporate disaster recovery plan to minimize data loss?A . MTTRB . MTBFC . RPOD . RTOView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://www.cockroachlabs.com/blog/demand-zero-rpo/#:~:text=RPO%20(which%20stands%20for%20Recovery,to%20recover%20from%20a %20failure

December 6, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

How many backup copies are required to restore the requested files?

A backup administrator has defined a backup policy where full backups are scheduled at 8 PM every Saturday and differential backups for the rest of the week at same time. A data loss happened on Friday at 11 AM. How many backup copies are required to restore the requested files?A...

December 5, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

A computer has an MTBF of 7000 hours and an MTTR of 18 hours? What is the availability of the data?

A computer has an MTBF of 7000 hours and an MTTR of 18 hours? What is the availability of the data?A . 90.7%B . 99.1%C . 99.7%D . 99.8%View AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Reference: https://limblecmms.com/blog/mttr-mtbf-mttf-guide-to-failure-metrics/

December 5, 20212 CommentsREAD MORE +

What is a characteristic of data archiving?

What is a characteristic of data archiving?A . Secondary copy of dataB . Primary copy of dataC . Short-term retentionD . Used for operational recoveryView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Reference: https://waterfordtechnologies.com/difference-data-backup-archiving/

December 4, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is true of hot-swappable hardware?

What is true of hot-swappable hardware?A . All components need to be rearranged after swapB . Reboot is required after a changeC . All fans need to be running to ensure proper coolingD . Replaceable with zero downtimeView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Reference: https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/hot-swap

December 3, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which Dell EMC storage system can be used without a write splitter installed?

An administrator is configuring Dell EMC RecoverPoint. Which Dell EMC storage system can be used without a write splitter installed?A . UnityB . XtremIOC . VMAXD . PowerMaxView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Reference: https://www.delltechnologies.com/asset/en-us/products/storage/industry-market/h15088-dell-emc-unity-replication-technologies.pdf

December 1, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Where is the index stored after an archiving operation?

Where is the index stored after an archiving operation?A . Archive storageB . Archive serverC . Backup serverD . Media serverView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Reference: https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-pk/000050283/archiving-and-or-indexing-of-data-has-stopped-due-to-low-free-space-on-message-center-index-locations-or-emx-file-storage-locations

November 29, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

When is the target available for use in pointer-based replication?

When is the target available for use in pointer-based replication?A . once the fracture log has been createdB . after the mirror has been fracturedC . immediately after session activationD . after synchronization has completedView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:IGSfpLzWKy8J:https://www.shcollege.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/NAAC_Documents_IV_Cycle/Criterion-II/2.3.2/Semester5_FOS_Storagebasedarray.pptx+&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=pk

November 29, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +