company codes assigned to a single controlling area Controlling area is assigned to fiscal year variant K4.Two company codes assigned to fiscal year variant K2One company code assigned to variant K3. During conversion to SAP S/4HANA, what do you need to change?

You are converting your system to SAP S/4HANA. In your system you have: Three

company codes assigned to a single controlling area Controlling area is assigned to fiscal year variant K4.Two company codes assigned to fiscal year variant K2One company code assigned to variant K3. During conversion to SAP S/4HANA, what do you need to change?

A. Change all company codes and the controlling area to fiscal year variant K2.

B. Change all company codes to fiscal year variant K4

C. Change all company codes to fiscal year variant K2.

D. Change the controlling area to fiscal year variant K3.

Answer: B

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