An agile team is working on backlog grooming. There are two features that are needed by the customer and one of them is needed by the support team. The agile team is currently working on an iteration, Days later a business representative requests that another feature be included in the same iteration which step should consultant take?

An agile team is working on backlog grooming. There are two features that are needed by the customer and one of them is needed by the support team. The agile team is currently working on an iteration, Days later a business representative requests that another feature be included in the same iteration which step should consultant take?
A . Accommodate the feature since otherwise the business representative will escalate that the team is not adaptable to change
B . Accommodate the features as It is a small change and push the development team to work on it since itself organized team should know how to manage last minute requirements.
C . Accommodate the feature since otherwise business representative will not accept the iteration results.
D . Accommodate the feature by putting it into product backlog and work with the product owner to check its ROI relative to other stories in the backlog items then communicate the outcome back to the business representatives.

Answer: D

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