What would be the outcome in the situation?

A developer creates a Page load rule in Adobe Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) that should capture a visitor's transaction ID when a purchase is completed on the site at "http://www.oursite.com/complete.html." The condition of this page load rule in DTM is as shown: Assume the "Path" condition of this rule was...

December 28, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What would be the outcome in the situation?

A developer creates a Page load rule in Adobe Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) that should capture a visitor's transaction ID when a purchase is completed on the site at "http://www.oursite.com/complete.html." The condition of this page load rule in DTM is as shown: Assume the "Path" condition of this rule was...

December 28, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What would be the outcome in the situation?

A developer creates a Page load rule in Adobe Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) that should capture a visitor's transaction ID when a purchase is completed on the site at "http://www.oursite.com/complete.html." The condition of this page load rule in DTM is as shown: Assume the "Path" condition of this rule was...

December 27, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is causing this issue?

A developer is trying to add product data to an Adobe Analytics call through Dynamic Tag Management (DIM) on a new DTM property. The developer has created a page load rule triggering at the bottom of the page. The site has a legacy Adobe Analytics implementation. A tracker variable name...

December 26, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What would be the outcome in the situation?

A developer creates a Page load rule in Adobe Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) that should capture a visitor's transaction ID when a purchase is completed on the site at "http://www.oursite.com/complete.html." The condition of this page load rule in DTM is as shown: Assume the "Path" condition of this rule was...

December 26, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

How should the developer modify the data layer?

A developer needs to add the broweser referrer value to the page data layer. No developer resources are available to make the change on the page. The developer needs to use DTM to include the page referrer without changing the actual source code. How should the developer modify the data...

December 24, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

How should CSS be written within an event-based rule to include all links EXCEPT for footer link clicks?

An Adobe Analytics developer needs to track all page clicks Except for "footer" links. Al footer links live within the "div id='footer'" CSS class. How should CSS be written within an event-based rule to include all links EXCEPT for footer link clicks?A . A:not(div#footer)B . A:not(div id#footer)C . A:not(div#footer)D ....

December 24, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is causing the error?

A developer creates a global page load rate that loads on all page views and uses data elements that are mapped to a page data layer. After initial testing of the rule, the developer notices that the rule does not execute. The developer sees the following error in the browser...

December 24, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Why is a direct call rule in inappropriate solution for the problem?

A developer needs to trigger an Adobe Analytics s.tl() onClick on all buttons across all pages in one of the site dircetories. The developer creates a direct call rule to set the s.tl() for the buttons. For example: www.acme.com/pageswithbuttons/index.html www.acme.com/pageswithbuttons/anotherpagewithbuttons.html Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) is currently embedded on all site...

December 23, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which selection of code meets the requirements?

Clicks on download links are tracked Which selection of code meets the requirements? A . Option AB . Option BC . Option CD . Option DView AnswerAnswer: B

December 22, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +