There are_________steps to implement Philanthropy Planning and the first step is__________.

There are_________steps to implement Philanthropy Planning and the first step is__________.A . Three, Gift DesignB . Three, DiscoveryC . Four, Gift DesignD . Four, DiscoveryView AnswerAnswer: D

January 28, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

In context to Workmen’s Compensation Act, any claim for the compensation should be made within _________ of the occurrence of the accident or from the date of death.

In context to Workmen’s Compensation Act, any claim for the compensation should be made within _________ of the occurrence of the accident or from the date of death.A . 6 monthsB . 10 monthsC . 1 yearD . 2 yearsView AnswerAnswer: D

January 27, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Estate tax is also called ________

Estate tax is also called ________A . Succession TaxB . Voluntary TaxC . Involuntary TaxD . Transfer TaxView AnswerAnswer: B

January 27, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is a ‘CestuquieTrust’?

What is a ‘CestuquieTrust’?A . It is a Trust created for People with Minor children.B . It is a Trust created by people in high-liability occupationsC . It is the person for whose benefit the property is transferred.D . It is another name for ‘Deed of Trust’View AnswerAnswer: C

January 26, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

__________ is an influential person who knows you favorably and agrees to introduce or

__________ is an influential person who knows you favorably and agrees to introduce or recommend you to others.A . Centre of InfluenceB . AttorneyC . Commercial Bank OfficerD . Property AgentView AnswerAnswer: A

January 26, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

A High Net Worth Individual (HNI) should hold at least _______ in liquid financial assets.

A High Net Worth Individual (HNI) should hold at least _______ in liquid financial assets.A . $1 millionB . $5 millionC . $10 millionD . $50 millionView AnswerAnswer: A

January 26, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

What does ‘T’ in ‘SWOT’ stands for?

What does ‘T’ in ‘SWOT’ stands for?A . TrendsB . TimeC . ThreatsD . TrustView AnswerAnswer: C

January 26, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following statement(s) about Bequest is/are correct?

Which of the following statement(s) about Bequest is/are correct? A . All except (iv)B . All except (iii)C . All (i),(ii),(iii) and (iv)D . None of (i),(ii),(iii) and (iv)View AnswerAnswer: B

January 25, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

There are__________ methods of Business valuation.Out of these methods,___________ method applies discount rate to determine the valuation of the business.

There are__________ methods of Business valuation.Out of these methods,___________ method applies discount rate to determine the valuation of the business.A . Two, Discounted Cash FlowB . Three, Discounted Cash FlowC . Two, Income methodD . Three, Income methodView AnswerAnswer: C

January 25, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following statement(s) about Estate Planning is/are correct?

Which of the following statement(s) about Estate Planning is/are correct? A . (i),(ii),(iii) and (iv)B . Only (iii)C . (iii) and (iv)D . Only (ii)View AnswerAnswer: D

January 25, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +