
Which two use cases can be met with VMware Cloud on Dell EMC and VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts? (Choose two.)

Which two use cases can be met with VMware Cloud on Dell EMC and VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts? (Choose two.)
A . Administrator rights in SDDC Manager to configure and operate the solution
B . Ability to create public services
C . Applications needing local data processing and/or low latency integrations
D . Critical workloads that use restricted data
E . On demand rapid scalability

Answer: CD


The two use cases that can be met with VMware Cloud on Dell EMC and VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts are Option C: Applications needing local data processing and/or low latency integrations, and Option D: Critical workloads that use restricted data.

VMware Cloud on Dell EMC and VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts both provide local data processing and low latency integrations, making them ideal for applications that require quick and efficient access to data. Additionally, the highly secure infrastructure of both solutions make them a great choice for critical workloads that use restricted data.

For more information, please refer to the official VMware documentation on VMware Cloud on Dell EMC: https://www.vmware.com/products/vmware-cloud-on-dellemc.html And the official VMware documentation on VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts: https://www.vmware.com/products/vmware-cloud-on-aws-outposts.html

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