
Which of the following correctly states a limitation in the use of static analysis tools? [K1]

Which of the following correctly states a limitation in the use of static analysis tools? [K1]
A . Static analysis tools can be applied to new code but cannot be applied to existing code
B . Static analysis tools can be used to enforce coding standards
C . Static analysis tools always generate large numbers of warning messages when applied to new code, even if the code meets coding standards
D . Static analysis tools do not generate warning messages when applied to existing code

Answer: C


A limitation in the use of static analysis tools is C. Static analysis tools always generate large numbers of warning messages when applied to new code, even if the code meets coding standards. Static analysis tools are tools that analyze the code or other software artifacts without executing them, and report any defects, errors, vulnerabilities, or violations of coding standards or conventions. Static analysis tools can help to improve the quality and maintainability of the code or other software artifacts. However, static analysis tools also have some limitations, such as generating large numbers of warning messages when applied to new code, even if the code meets coding standards or conventions. This can make it difficult for developers or testers to identify and prioritize the most important or critical issues to fix or address. A detailed explanation of static analysis tools can be found in A Study Guide to the ISTQB® Foundation Level 2018 Syllabus, pages 109-1101.

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