
Which methods can be used to reduce the number of rows processed by BigQuery?

Which methods can be used to reduce the number of rows processed by BigQuery?
A . Splitting tables into multiple tables; putting data in partitions
B . Splitting tables into multiple tables; putting data in partitions; using the LIMIT clause
C . Putting data in partitions; using the LIMIT clause
D . Splitting tables into multiple tables; using the LIMIT clause

Answer: A


If you split a table into multiple tables (such as one table for each day), then you can limit your query to the data in specific tables (such as for particular days). A better method is to use a partitioned table, as long as your data can be separated by the day.

If you use the LIMIT clause, BigQuery will still process the entire table.

Reference: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/partitioned-tables

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