
What should you do?

You are designing an application that uses WebSockets and HTTP sessions that are not distributed across the web servers. You want to ensure the application runs properly on Google Cloud Platform.

What should you do?
A . Meet with the cloud enablement team to discuss load balancer options.
B . Redesign the application to use a distributed user session service that does not rely on WebSockets and HTTP sessions.
C . Review the encryption requirements for WebSocket connections with the security team.
D . Convert the WebSocket code to use HTTP streaming.

Answer: A


✑ Google HTTP(S) Load Balancing has native support for the WebSocket protocol when you use HTTP or HTTPS, not HTTP/2, as the protocol to the backend.

Ref: https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/https#websocket_proxy_support

✑ So the next possible step is to Meet with the cloud enablement team to discuss load balancer options.

✑ We dont need to convert WebSocket code to use HTTP streaming or Redesign the application, as WebSocket support is offered by Google HTTP(S) Load Balancing. Reviewing the encryption requirements is a good idea but it has nothing to do with WebSockets.

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