
What should be recommended?

A customer wants to create a loyalty program by Identifying all subscribers who clicked on a link within any email sent within the last six months.

What should be recommended?
A . Create and execute a SQL Query against the _Click data view.
B. Create and execute a Tracking Extract.
C. Create and execute a Subscriber Engagement report.
D. Create and execute a Data Filter on the_Click data view.

Answer: A


A SQL query is an automation studio activity that allows querying data from data extensions or data views using SQL statements. A data view is a system-generated table that stores information about subscriber actions, such as clicks, opens, bounces, etc. The_Click data view contains information about each click event for each subscriber in the last six months. By creating and executing a SQL query against the _Click data view, the customer can identify all subscribers who clicked on a link within any email sent within the last six months.




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