
What it true about installing the Cloudcraze managed package?

What it true about installing the Cloudcraze managed package?
A . A supportticket is required with Salesforce,
B . The bandwidth exceeded limit Is not Impacted.
C . Custom fields are limited to 100kb.
D . The custom fields limit is not impacted.

Answer: D


According to the Installation Guide, installing the Cloudcraze managed package is a process that involves several steps, such as requesting access, installing dependencies, installing packages, configuring settings, and verifying installation. One of the facts that is true about installing the Cloudcraze managed package is that the custom fields limit is not impacted by the installation. The Cloudcraze managed package does not count against your org’s custom fields limit because it uses custom metadata types instead of custom fields. Therefore, option D is correct. Option A is false because a support ticket is not required with Salesforce to install the Cloudcraze managed package, you only need to request access to the Cloudcraze installation site. Option B is false because the bandwidth exceeded limit is impacted by the installation, as the Cloudcraze managed package consumes some of your org’s bandwidth limit. Option C is false because custom fields are not limited to 100kb, they are limited by the number of fields per object and the total size of all fields per object.

Reference: Installation Guide, Installation Overview

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