
What is one way in which VMware Multi-Cloud addresses challenges with the cloud computing model?

What is one way in which VMware Multi-Cloud addresses challenges with the cloud computing model?
A . Provides savings on capital expenses and the use of a flexible payment structure where payment Is only done based on the resources used.
B . Provides visibility and tools to manage resources, workloads and operations across clouds from a common operating environment.
C . Eliminates worry associated with managing IT infrastructures and shifts focus to application development and other priorities using the most up-to-date technology.
D . Increases agility that encompasses scalability, customizability, and access to the cloud service from anywhere and on any device.

Answer: B



VMware Multi-Cloud provides visibility and tools to manage resources, workloads and operations across clouds from a common operating environment. This eliminates the need to manage multiple cloud environments in different clouds and provides a unified view of all cloud resources and applications. This makes it easier to monitor and manage workloads across clouds, reducing complexity and increasing agility. VMware Multi-Cloud also provides powerful automation and orchestration capabilities to help streamline operations and improve efficiency. [1]

[1] https://www.vmware.com/products/vmware-multi-cloud.html

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