
The Static Assembler is used to address rules assembly issues due to which cause?

The Static Assembler is used to address rules assembly issues due to which cause?
A . The server is managing a large number of rules caches.
B . Access groups contain multiple production rulesets.
C . A new application is migrated to the production system.
D . The application record lists several branch rulesets.

Answer: A


The Static Assembler is a Pega tool used to address rules assembly issues specifically when the server is managing a large number of rules caches. By pre-assembling rules into a static content, the Static Assembler helps in improving performance in situations where cache management becomes complex due to the volume of rules. It creates a set of static files that represents the assembled rules, which can reduce the overhead on the server during rule assembly and cache management.

Reference: Pega official documentation on performance tools and best practices.

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