Which of the following commands should the administrator use?

A Linux administrator needs to create a symlink for /usr/local/bin/app-a, which was installed in /usr/local/share/app-a. Which of the following commands should the administrator use?A . In -s /usr/local/bin/app-a /usr/local/share/app-aB . mv -f /usr/local/share/app-a /usr/local/bin/app-aC . cp -f /usr/local/share/app-a /usr/local/bin/app-aD .   rsync -a /usr/local/share/app-a /usr/local/bin/app-aView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: To create...

March 26, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following technologies can be used as a central repository of Linux users and groups?

Which of the following technologies can be used as a central repository of Linux users and groups?A . LDAPB . MFAC . SSOD . PAMView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, which is a protocol for accessing and managing a central directory of users and groups....

March 26, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following tools is most suitable to use when uploading the key to the remote servers?

A systems administrator creates a public key for authentication. Which of the following tools is most suitable to use when uploading the key to the remote servers? A. scp B. ssh-copy-id C. ssh-agent D. ssh-keyscanView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: The best tool to use when uploading the public key to the...

March 26, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following commands can the adminis-trator run to obtain information about the UUlDs of all disks attached to a Linux system?

A systems administrator intends to use a UI-JID to mount a new partition per-manently on a Linux system. Which of the following commands can the adminis-trator run to obtain information about the UUlDs of all disks attached to a Linux system?A . fcstatB . blkidC . dmsetupD . IsscsiView AnswerAnswer:...

March 26, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following commands will show this information?

A systems administrator needs to check if the service systemd-resolved.service is running without any errors. Which of the following commands will show this information?A . systemct1 status systemd-resolved.serviceB . systemct1 enable systemd-resolved.serviceC . systemct1 mask systemd-resolved.serviceD . systemct1 show systemd-resolved.serviceView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: The command systemct1 status systemd-resolved.service will show...

March 26, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following is the issue?

A Linux administrator booted up the server and was presented with a non-GUI terminal. The administrator ran the command systemct1 isolate graphical.target and rebooted the system by running systemct1 reboot, which fixed the issue. However, the next day the administrator was presented again with a non-GUI terminal. Which of the...

March 26, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following permissions are enforced on /comptia?

A systems administrator created a new directory with specific permissions. Given the following output: # file: comptia # owner: root # group: root user: : rwx group :: r-x other: :--- default:user :: rwx default:group :: r-x default:group:wheel: rwx default:mask :: rwx default:other ::- Which of the following permissions are...

March 26, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Given the outputs above. which of the following is the reason the user is unable to log in to the server?

A user reported issues when trying to log in to a Linux server. The following outputs were received: Given the outputs above. which of the following is the reason the user is unable to log in to the server?A . User1 needs to set a long password.B . User1 is...

March 26, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

be used to ensure the aging attribute?

Following the migration from a disaster recovery site, a systems administrator wants a server to require a user to change credentials at initial login. Which of the following commands should be used to ensure the aging attribute?A . chage -d 2 userB . chage -d 0 userC . chage -E...

March 26, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following should the administrator do to provide the BEST solution for the reported issue?

A Linux systems administrator receives reports from various users that an application hosted on a server has stopped responding at similar times for several days in a row. The administrator logs in to the system and obtains the following output: Output 1: Output 2: Output 3: Which of the following...

March 25, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +