What is the best approach if the required file does not exist?

A developer automated a process with the following logic: each queue item contains a filepath to an Excel file. If the required file exists, robot needs to upload it on Sharepoint. Otherwise, the transaction cannot be considered a success. What is the best approach if the required file does not...

March 1, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Based on best practices, which approach is recommended?

An RPA developer needs to perform a code review on a process to ensure best practices were used. During the code review, the developer discovers that the workflows cannot be easily tested and some refactoring of the code is required. Based on best practices, which approach is recommended?A . Create...

February 28, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which workflow activity requires modifications to some of the properties' default values to ensure this process runs in the background?

Allow the user to interact with separate desktop applications at the same time. Which workflow activity requires modifications to some of the properties' default values to ensure this process runs in the background?A . Get Text B. Element Exists C. Select Item D. Type IntoView AnswerAnswer: A

February 28, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

If a developer wants to use a variable of type UIElement to identify a button in a Click activity, which property must be manually configured during development?

If a developer wants to use a variable of type UIElement to identify a button in a Click activity, which property must be manually configured during development?A . Element B. Selector C. ClippingRegion D. WaitForReadyView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/click

February 28, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What will be the destination of transition?

A process is created using UiPath REFramework. During the processing of a queue item, a Business Exception occurs. What will be the destination of transition?A . End Process B. Get Transaction Data C. Process Transaction D. InitializationView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: By default, if a Business Exception occurs during the processing...

February 28, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Please select the correct statement about Global Exception Handler.

Please select the correct statement about Global Exception Handler.A . Every automation project includes a Global Exception Handler. B. The Global Exception Handler is available for library projects and processes. C. The Global Exception Handler has two arguments that can be removed. D. Only one Global Exception Handler can be...

February 28, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

To extract the date from strinput, which string manipulation method should be used?

A developer needs to create an automation process that identifies a file with format "Monthly_Report_MMddyyyy.xlsx". The file name is saved to a variable called strinput. To extract the date from strinput, which string manipulation method should be used?A . strinput.Substring(strInput.LastIndexOf("_")+1,8) B. strinput.Substring(strInput.IndexOf("_")+1,strInput.IndexOf(".")1) C. strinput.Substring(strInput.IndexOf("_")+1.8) D. strinput.Substring(strInput.IndexOf("_")+1,strInput.IndexOf("."))View AnswerAnswer: C

February 28, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which activity provides the easiest way to loop through all the rows in a DataTable?

Which activity provides the easiest way to loop through all the rows in a DataTable?A . Repeat Until B. For Each Row C. For Each D. Do While E. WhileView AnswerAnswer: B

February 28, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which set of activities can be affected by this change?

A developer entered custom values in the Browser property in the UI Automation section of the Activity Project Settings menu. Which set of activities can be affected by this change?A . Navigate To and Attach Browser B. Open Browser and Navigate To C. Open Browser and Close Tab D. Attach...

February 27, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

From the lowest priority to the highest priority, what is the correct priority sequence of the Log Levels for UiPath Robots?

DRAG DROP From the lowest priority to the highest priority, what is the correct priority sequence of the Log Levels for UiPath Robots? NOTE: Drag and drop the lowest priority level to the top of the list and repeat until the highest priority level appears at the bottom of the...

February 27, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +