If apex code executes inside the execute() method of an Apex class when implementing the Batchable interface, which statement are true regarding governor limits? Choose 2 answers

If apex code executes inside the execute() method of an Apex class when implementing the Batchable interface, which statement are true regarding governor limits? Choose 2 answersA . The Apex governor limits might be higher due to the asynchronous nature of the transaction.B . The apex governor limits are reset...

January 9, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the correct definition of the Apex method?

A Next Best Action strategy uses an Enchance Element that invokes an Apex method to determine a discount level for a Contact, based on a number of factors. What is the correct definition of the Apex method?A . @InvocableMethod global static ListRecommendation getLevel(List<ContactWrapper> input) { /*implementation*/ }B . @InvocableMethod global...

January 8, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which is the correct definition of the Apex method that gets additional information?

A Visual Flow uses an apex Action to provide additional information about multiple Contacts, stored in a custom class, contactInfo. Which is the correct definition of the Apex method that gets additional information?A . @InvocableMethod(label='Additional Info') public List<ContactInfo> getInfo(List<Id> contactIds) { /*implementation*/ }B . @InvocableMethod(label='additional Info') public static ContactInfo getInfo(Id...

January 6, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What should a developer do to ensure the code execution is disrupted if the retrievedRecordslist remains empty after the SOQL query?

Given the following block code: try{ List <Accounts> retrievedRecords = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Website = null]; }catch(Exception e){ //manage exception logic } What should a developer do to ensure the code execution is disrupted if the retrievedRecordslist remains empty after the SOQL query?A . Check the state of...

January 6, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +