What is the single most appropriate option?

A 73-year-old man who is recovering from surgery on the left carotid artery in his neck. He has slurred speech of his tongue, the tip deviated to the left. What is the single most appropriate option?A . Accessory nerveB . Hypoglossal nerveC . Glossopharyngeal nerveD . Facial nerveE . Vagus...

October 13, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following is not a degenerative corneal disease?

Which of the following is not a degenerative corneal disease?A . KeratokonusB . Marginal dystropathyC . Fatty/lipid degenerationD . Moorens’s ulcerE . Band keratopathyView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: All other options are degenerative disease of cornea except Mooren’s ulcer which is ulcerative keratitis.

October 13, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the most likely diagnosis?

A 26-year-old political refugee has sought asylum in the UK and complains of poor concentration. He keeps his family whom he saw killed in a political coup. He is unable to sleep and feels hopeless about his survival. But he is afraid to go out. What is the most likely...

October 13, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the single immediate management?

65years man had a bowel resection 5days ago. He is anuric and breathless. His BP=150/110mmHg.He has lung bases and sacral edema. Bloods: K+=6.8mmol/l, urea=58mmol/l, creatinine=600umol/l. What is the single immediate management?A . Bolus of 20U insulinB . 5% dextrose infusionC . Calcium resonium enemaD . 10U insulin, 50ml of 50%...

October 12, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of following favor diagnosis of SLE?

Which of following favor diagnosis of SLE?A . Raynaud syndromeB . Joint deformityC . Anti RNP+D . Cystoid body in retinaE . Lung cavitationsView AnswerAnswer: C

October 11, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the next appropriate management?

A homeless lady presents with cough and fever. She complains of night sweats and weight loss. CXR has opacity. What is the next appropriate management?A . IFN gamma testingB . MantouxC . BronchoscopyD . AFBE . CT chestView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Cough and fever and night sweat and weight loss...

October 11, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the most likely underlying cause?

A 64-year-old man complains of increasing dyspnea and cough for the past 18months. He coughs up a Table mucopurulent sputum with occasional specks of blood. What is the most likely underlying cause?A . Acute bronchitisB . BronchiectasisC . Chronic bronchitisD . Lung cancerE . PneumoniaView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Chronic bronchitis....

October 11, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the best possible treatment?

A 61year man was found with K+=7.5 and ECG with prolong QRS complex. What is the best possible treatment?A . IV calcium gluconateB . DialysisC . Loop diureticsD . Salbutamol nebulizerE . IV insulin and dextroseView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: In this high level of potassium, we have to shift this...

October 11, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the most likely diagnosis?

A 65-year-old man presents with significant weight loss and complains of cough, SOB and chest pain. Exam constricted, drooping of left eyelid. What is the most likely diagnosis?A . Thoracic outlet syndromeB . Cervical ribC . Bronchogenic carcinomaD . Pancoast tumorE . PneumoniaView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Pancoast tumor. Pancoast tumour...

October 9, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which vitamin has a protective effect against colon cancer?

Which vitamin has a protective effect against colon cancer?A . Vitamin CB . Vitamin DC . Folic acidD . Vitamin KView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Calcium and vitamin D Calcium may protect against bowel cancer, according to the World Cancer Research Fund. A 2004meta analysis showed that people with the highest...

October 8, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +