Which of the following are commonly used disaster tolerance architecture patterns? (Multiple Choice)

Which of the following are commonly used disaster tolerance architecture patterns? (Multiple Choice)A .  Backup and restoreB .  Remote recoveryC .  Cold standbyD .  Warm standbyE .  Multi-live modeView AnswerAnswer: ACDE

May 31, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What are the three middleware services of HUAWEI CLOUD? (Multiple Choice)

What are the three middleware services of HUAWEI CLOUD? (Multiple Choice)A . DCS Distributed Cache ServiceB . DMS Distributed Message ServiceC . DDM Distributed Database MiddlewareView AnswerAnswer: ABC

May 30, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Monolithic applications can use middleware.

Monolithic applications can use middleware.A .  TrueB .  FalseView AnswerAnswer: A

May 30, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What are the advantages of the service provided by Huawei CCE for stateful containers? (Multiple Choice)

What are the advantages of the service provided by Huawei CCE for stateful containers? (Multiple Choice)A . Data persistent storageB . Multi-instance data sharingC . Support a storage formatD . Data will not be lost when the container instance fails or is migratedView AnswerAnswer: ABD

May 30, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What level of solution scheme does Huawei's cloud PaaS have? (Multiple Choice)

What level of solution scheme does Huawei's cloud PaaS have? (Multiple Choice)A . Application zero transform the cloud, automate the deployment and operation & maintenanceB . Application + cloud middleware, reducing the cost of operation and operation & maintenanceC . Application containerization, second-level elastic scaling, higher resource utilizationD . Application...

May 30, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following are the advantages of cloud native? (Multiple Choice)

Which of the following are the advantages of cloud native? (Multiple Choice)A .  Modules loose couplingB .  Rapid deploymentC .  Hardware virtualizationD .  Service recovery rapidlyView AnswerAnswer: ABD

May 29, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

HUAWEI CLOUD distributed database middleware DDM service is used as the () pre-distributed database access service.

HUAWEI CLOUD distributed database middleware DDM service is used as the () pre-distributed database access service.A . DCSB . DMSC . RDSD . OracleView AnswerAnswer: C

May 28, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

TP99 delay is the longest time required to satisfy 99% of network requests.

TP99 delay is the longest time required to satisfy 99% of network requests. There are four requests that take 10ms, 100ms, 500ms, and 20ms, and the TP99 delay is ().A . 10msB . 500msC . 20msD . 100msView AnswerAnswer: B

May 28, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What are the cluster types currently supported by CCE?

What are the cluster types currently supported by CCE?A . Virtual machineB . Bare metalC . WindowsD . All the above three are supportedView AnswerAnswer: D

May 28, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

ServiceStage contains the following capabilities, except ( ).

ServiceStage contains the following capabilities, except ( ).A .  Resource management of clusters and nodesB .  Microservice application development toolbox and microservice managementC .  Database managementD .  Deployment and application management of container and virtual machine applicationsView AnswerAnswer: C

May 27, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +