SHOW GRANTS OF SHARE product_s;A . GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE product_db TO SHARE product_s;B . CREATE DIRECT SHARE product_s;C . GRANT SELECT ON TABLE sales_db. product_agg.Item_agg TO SHARE product_s;D . ALTER SHARE product_s ADD ACCOUNTS=xy12345, yz23456;View AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: CREATE SHARE product_s is the correct Snowsql command to create Share...

September 30, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

As Data Scientist looking out to use Reader account, Which ones are the correct considerations about Reader Accounts for Third-Party Access?

As Data Scientist looking out to use Reader account, Which ones are the correct considerations about Reader Accounts for Third-Party Access?A . Reader accounts (formerly known as “read-only accounts”) provide a quick, easy, and cost-effective way to share data without requiring the consumer to become a Snowflake customer.B . Each...

September 30, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +