What is the incorrect statement about Data Access Object (androidx.room.Dao)?

What is the incorrect statement about Data Access Object (androidx.room.Dao)?A . Data Access Objects are the main classes where you define your database interactions. They can include a variety of query methods.B . The class marked with @Dao should either be an interface or an abstract class. At compile time,...

April 2, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What is correct about it?

If you want to access a specific UI component in an app, use the UiSelector class. This class represents a query for specific elements in the currently displayed UI. What is correct about it? (Choose two.)A . If more than one matching element is found, the first matching element in...

April 1, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What method is called during onCreate(Bundle) to supply the preferences for this fragment. And where subclasses are expected to call setPreferenceScreen (PreferenceScreen) either directly or via helper methods such as addPreferencesFromResource (int)?

In a class PreferenceFragmentCompat. What method is called during onCreate(Bundle) to supply the preferences for this fragment. And where subclasses are expected to call setPreferenceScreen (PreferenceScreen) either directly or via helper methods such as addPreferencesFromResource (int)?A . onCreateLayoutManagerB . onCreatePreferencesC . onCreateRecyclerViewD . onCreateViewView AnswerAnswer: B

April 1, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What can be a correct way to set an observer to change UI in case if data was changed?

As an example. In an Activity we have our TimerViewModel object (extended ViewModel), named mTimerViewModel. mTimerViewModel.timer method returns a LiveData<Long> value. What can be a correct way to set an observer to change UI in case if data was changed?A . mTimerViewModel!!.timer.value.toString().observe (Observer { aLong -> callAnyChangeUIMethodHere(aLong!!) })B . mTimerViewModel!!.timer.observe...

April 1, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +