In MaxCompute, if error occurs in Tunnel transmission due to network or Tunnel service, the user can resume the last update operation through the command tunnel resume; Score 1

In MaxCompute, if error occurs in Tunnel transmission due to network or Tunnel service, the user can resume the last update operation through the command tunnel resume; Score 1A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: A

January 2, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Where is the meta data(e.g.,table schemas) in Hive? Score 2

Where is the meta data(e.g.,table schemas) in Hive? Score 2A . Stored as metadata on the NameNodeB . Stored along with the data in HDFSC . Stored in the RDBMS like MySQLD . Stored in ZooKeeperView AnswerAnswer: C

January 2, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the follow statements is necessary?

Scenario: Jack is the administrator of project prj1. The project involves a large volume of sensitive data such as bank account, medical record, etc. Jack wants to properly protect the data. Which of the follow statements is necessary?A . set ProjectACL=true;B . add accountprovider ram;C . set ProjectProtection=true;D . use...

January 2, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

If a task node of DataWorks is deleted from the recycle bin, it can still be restored.

If a task node of DataWorks is deleted from the recycle bin, it can still be restored.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: A

January 1, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following commands is correct?

When we use the MaxCompute tunnel command to upload the log.txt file to the t_log table, the t_log is a partition table and the partitioning column is (p1 string, p2 string). Which of the following commands is correct?A . tunnel upload log.txt t_log/p1="b1”, p2="b2"B . tunnel upload log.txt t_log/(p1="b1”, p2="b2")C...

December 31, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

DataV is a powerful yet accessible data visualization tool, which features geographic information systems allowing for rapid interpretation of data to understand relationships, patterns, and trends. When a DataV screen is ready, it can embed works to the existing portal of the enterprise through ______.

DataV is a powerful yet accessible data visualization tool, which features geographic information systems allowing for rapid interpretation of data to understand relationships, patterns, and trends. When a DataV screen is ready, it can embed works to the existing portal of the enterprise through ______.A . URL after the releaseB...

December 31, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which ecosystem project should you use to perform these actions?

You are working on a project where you need to chain together MapReduce, Hive jobs. You also need the ability to use forks, decision points, and path joins. Which ecosystem project should you use to perform these actions? Score 2A . SparkB . HUEC . ZookeeperD . OozieView AnswerAnswer: D

December 31, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following descriptions about DataService Studio in DataWorks is INCORRECT?

DataService Studio in DataWorks aims to build a data service bus to help enterprises centrally manage private and public APIs. DataService Studio allows you to quickly create APIs based on data tables and register existing APIs with the DataService Studio platform for centralized management and release. Which of the following...

December 31, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

There are multiple connection clients for MaxCompute, which of the following is the easiest way to configure workflow and scheduling for MaxCompute tasks? Score 2

There are multiple connection clients for MaxCompute, which of the following is the easiest way to configure workflow and scheduling for MaxCompute tasks? Score 2A . Use DataWorksB . Use Intelij IDEAC . Use MaxCompute ConsoleD . No supported tool yetcView AnswerAnswer: A

December 31, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Synchronous development in DataWorks provides both wizard and script modes. Score 1

Synchronous development in DataWorks provides both wizard and script modes. Score 1A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: A

December 30, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +