What is the correct IPv6 address notation?

What is the correct IPv6 address notation?A . 2001:0DB8::/128B . 2001:0DB8:0::C . 2001:0DB8::1:1:1:1:1D . 2001:0DB8:130F:0000:0000:7000:0000:140BView AnswerAnswer: D

June 28, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which protocol does TFTP typically use for transport?

Which protocol does TFTP typically use for transport?A . RSVPB . TCPC . HTTPD . UDPView AnswerAnswer: D

June 26, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

What are two standard fiber-optic connectors? (Choose two.)

What are two standard fiber-optic connectors? (Choose two.)A . LucentB . rolloverC . subscriberD . multidimensionE . crossoverView AnswerAnswer: AC

June 25, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which two statements about the hardware components are true?

Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements about the hardware components are true? (Choose two.)A . 2 is an RJ-45 to USB Type A console cable.B . 3 is a USB Type A port.C . 3 is a USB 5-pin mini USB Type B port.D . 1 is a USB...

June 24, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which two features are associated with single-mode fiber-optic cable? (Choose two.)

Which two features are associated with single-mode fiber-optic cable? (Choose two.)A . consists of a single strand of glass fiberB . has higher attenuation that multimode fiberC . carries a higher bandwidth that multimode fiberD . costs less than multimode fiberE . operates over less distance than multimode fiberView AnswerAnswer:...

June 24, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +