What does the reference line at lift = 1 corresponds to?

Refer to the lift chart: What does the reference line at lift = 1 corresponds to?A . The predicted lift for the best 50% of validation data casesB . The predicted lift if the entire population is scored as event casesC . The predicted lift if none of the population...

April 13, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

This question will ask you to provide a missing option.

This question will ask you to provide a missing option. Complete the following syntax to test the homogeneity of variance assumption in the GLM procedure: means Region / <insert option here> =levene ;A . testB . adjustC . varD . hovtestView AnswerAnswer: D

April 12, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

What are the two most effective ways to address the problem?

An analyst knows that the categorical predictor, storeId, is an important predictor of the target. However, store_Id has too many levels to be a feasible predictor in the model. The analyst wants to combine stores and treat them as members of the same class level. What are the two most...

April 11, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

What problem does this illustrate?

An analyst investigates Region (A, B, or C) as an input variable in a logistic regression model. The analyst discovers that the probability of purchasing a certain item when Region = A is 1. What problem does this illustrate?A . CollinearityB . Influential observationsC . Quasi-complete separationD . Problems that...

April 11, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which SAS program is NOT a correct way to create dummy variables?

Given the following SAS data set TEST: Which SAS program is NOT a correct way to create dummy variables? A . Option AB . Option BC . Option CD . Option DView AnswerAnswer: D

April 11, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

What values are not affected by this oversampling?

A confusion matrix is created for data that were oversampled due to a rare target. What values are not affected by this oversampling?A . Sensitivity and PV+B . Specificity and PV­C . PV+ and PV­D . Sensitivity and SpecificityView AnswerAnswer: D

April 11, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the most likely reason that the model fails to converge?

An analyst fits a logistic regression model to predict whether or not a client will default on a loan. One of the predictors in the model is agent, and each agent serves 15-20 clients each. The model fails to converge. The analyst prints the summarized data, showing the number of...

April 10, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the two models should be selected and why?

Refer to the exhibit: The plots represent two models, A and B, being fit to the same two data sets, training and validation. Model A is 90.5% accurate at distinguishing blue from red on the training data and 75.5% accurate at doing the same on validation data. Model B is...

April 9, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Screening for non-linearity in binary logistic regression can be achieved by visualizing:

Screening for non-linearity in binary logistic regression can be achieved by visualizing:A . A scatter plot of binary response versus a predictor variable.B . A trend plot of empirical logit versus a predictor variable.C . A logistic regression plot of predicted probability values versus a predictor variable.D . A box...

April 9, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

What does this mean?

Refer to the lift chart: At a depth of 0.1, Lift = 3.14. What does this mean?A . Selecting the top 10% of the population scored by the model should result in 3.14 times more events than a random draw of 10%.B . Selecting the observations with a response probability...

April 9, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +