What file contains the controller class for the frontend path /mymodule/custom?

Your module, MyCompany_MyModule, is using the frontName mymodule. You need to locate the class responsible for the frontend path /mymodule/custom. What file contains the controller class for the frontend path /mymodule/custom?A . Controller/Custom/Index.phpB . Controller/Custom.phpC . Controller/MyModule/Custom/Index.phpD . Controller/Frontend/MyModule/Custom.phpView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Reference: https://www.simicart.com/blog/magento-create-controller/

December 28, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

What do you reply to this inquiry?

A merchant is interested in setting different prices for the same products in different storescopes. What do you reply to this inquiry?A . The prices can only be scoped per website or globallyB . The prices can be scoped per storeC . The price scope can be set to storebut...

December 27, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

What two risks does this process pose?

You have to install a new module on the production environment. All the module is adding a new product attribute. You enabled maintenance mode, copied the module code, run bin/magento setup:upgradeand disabled maintenance mode. What two risks does this process pose? (Choose two.)A . It will clean all caches which...

December 26, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which three items are restricted based on ACL role permissions?

You have created a module with a custom ACL resource and want to restrict access to resources of your module. Which three items are restricted based on ACL role permissions? (Choose three.)A . CLI CommandsB . Webapi resourcesC . Storefront loginD . System configuration sectionsE . Adminhtml controllersView AnswerAnswer: CDE...

December 23, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

How do you select a list of records from the database where the record ids are in the $ids list?

Assume that $collection is a new instance of a class that extends MagentoFrameworkModelResourceModelDbCollectionAbstractCollection, and $ids is an array of ids. How do you select a list of records from the database where the record ids are in the $ids list?A . $collection->addFieldToFilter(‘record_id’,[‘in’=>$ids]);B . C . $collection->in($ids);D . $collection->filterIn($ids);View AnswerAnswer: A...

December 23, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

How many shipping addresses may be selected for an order during the checkout process?

How many shipping addresses may be selected for an order during the checkout process?A . One shipping address per line item is possibleB . Only one shipping address per order is possibleC . One shipping addresses per unit of quantity is possibleD . One shipping address per product type is...

December 23, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

In which file do you declare the observer?

A module MyModule needs to send notifications to customers only when the account was modified from a mobile app using the REST web APIs. You decided to implement an observer for customer_save_after_data_object event. In which file do you declare the observer?A . etc/webapi_rest/events.xmlB . etc/adminhtml/events.xmlC . etc/webapi/rest_events.xmlD . etc/events.xmlView AnswerAnswer:...

December 22, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

In which file will the event observer be declared?

You have created a custom module which must perform an action immediately after an order is placed, but only on the store front of the merchant site. You have selected the checkout_submit_all_after as the target event which the module will observe. In which file will the event observer be declared?A...

December 22, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

How can you access the select query of a collection?

How can you access the select query of a collection?A . You can only access the select query after the collection has been loaded by calling the public method query()B . It is stored in a protected variable $query and can only be accessed from the inside of a collection...

December 21, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

What risk does this pose, and how can it be mitigated?

In a code review of a merchant’s site you have discovered that there are multiple observers for the checkout_submit_all_after event. After closer inspection, you notice one of these observers is relying on the others being executed before it is called. What risk does this pose, and how can it be...

December 20, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +