Where you determine how the system fills the financial object properties from the data fields of the exposurepositions?

Where you determine how the system fills the financial object properties from the data fields of the exposurepositions?A . In the derivation strategyB . SAP S/4HANA On-Premises EditionC . Project cost and revenue by projectD . Forecasted utilizationView AnswerAnswer: A

July 31, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the components are calculated based on the forward (NPV_FWD) and the CCBS (NPV_CCBS) components?

Which of the components are calculated based on the forward (NPV_FWD) and the CCBS (NPV_CCBS) components?A . SAP BW Workspace modeling and enrichmentB . SAP Ariba Cloud IntegrationC . 1322 Effective/Cost of Hedging ReserveD . 1333 Ineffective/Cost of Hedging Reserve TPLView AnswerAnswer: C,D

July 30, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the date is determinedaccording to the settings that you have made in the Balance Sheet Recognition field on the Hedge Accounting I tab of the hedging area?

Which of the date is determinedaccording to the settings that you have made in the Balance Sheet Recognition field on the Hedge Accounting I tab of the hedging area?A . SAP HANA PlatformB . Non-catalog itemsC . Existing kitsD . Reclassification dateView AnswerAnswer: D

July 30, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What must you define?

You are implementing Market Risk Analyzer and need to enable specific valuations by product types. What must you define?A . Valuation rulesB . Evaluation typesC . General valuation classesD . Valuation areasView AnswerAnswer: A

July 30, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Where you can specify whether auto matching needs to be performed for a given risk type?

Where you can specify whether auto matching needs to be performed for a given risk type?A . Query viewsB . SegmentC . CatalogD . In the Customizing settings for the exposure lifecyclecView AnswerAnswer: D

July 30, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the data transfer program uses an import (receiver) structure called a transfer category to map external data to risk objects?

Which of the data transfer program uses an import (receiver) structure called a transfer category to map external data to risk objects?A . External dataB . Board and TrackC . Broadcast it with catalogsD . Article masterView AnswerAnswer: A

July 29, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which money market activity categories can you configure to generate correspondence? 3

Which money market activity categories can you configure to generate correspondence? 3A . ContractB . RolloverC . OfferD . Rate fixingE . Premature settlementView AnswerAnswer: A,B,C

July 29, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which reference data sources can the subsidiary cash manager use for planning purposes?

Which reference data sources can the subsidiary cash manager use for planning purposes?A . Plan data of the previous planning cycleB . Previous year's actual dataC . Previous year's liquidity forecast dataD . Previous year's actual data with a percentage changes in all valuesE . Liquidity forecast dataView AnswerAnswer: A,B,E

July 28, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What is a position that is needed when you use the automated designation process for hedge accounting?

What is a position that is needed when you use the automated designation process for hedge accounting?A . Exposure subitemB . Cash flow managementC . Certificate loggedD . local computer.View AnswerAnswer: A

July 28, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the manager is responsible for managing all the company's treasury activities?

Which of the manager is responsible for managing all the company's treasury activities?A . SAP BW/4HANAB . Create and edit announcementsC . View audit logsD . Treasury ManagerView AnswerAnswer: D

July 28, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +