How can Recommendations be referenced?

How can Recommendations be referenced?A . By referencing the custom recommendation object B. Recommendations cannot be referenced C. By referencing the object on whose records the Recommendation will appear D. By referencing the standard recommendation objectView AnswerAnswer: D

October 26, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Can more than one recommendation be displayed at once in the Einstein NBA recommendation element?

Can more than one recommendation be displayed at once in the Einstein NBA recommendation element?A . No, only one recommendation is available, to view the next ones the user must either accept or reject the one displayed. B. Yes, as many as available and limited by the maximum number to...

October 25, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the name of the standard object that Einstein NBA uses to store the advice before printing it onto the Einstein NBA element at the record level?

What is the name of the standard object that Einstein NBA uses to store the advice before printing it onto the Einstein NBA element at the record level?A . There is no standard object, the recommendation is stored at the object level in a custom set of fields. B. Prediction...

October 25, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following components cannot display Recommendations?

Which of the following components cannot display Recommendations?A . Einstein Scoring Component B. Suggested Actions Component C. Einstein NBA ComponentView AnswerAnswer: A

October 23, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What are the two categories of elements that can be used while building a strategy?

What are the two categories of elements that can be used while building a strategy?A . Branch Logic and Merge Logic B. Recommendation Logic and Strategy Logic C. Recommendation Logic and Merge Logic D. Recommendation Logic and Branch LogicView AnswerAnswer: D

October 22, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

The Suggested Actions component can only display recommendations in Lightning home pages.

The Suggested Actions component can only display recommendations in Lightning home pages.A . FALSE B. TRUEView AnswerAnswer: A

October 22, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What Flow element must be used when building an Einstein NBA Strategy if the objective is to place certain recommendations in the potential output group of recommendations for a given Object-context?

What Flow element must be used when building an Einstein NBA Strategy if the objective is to place certain recommendations in the potential output group of recommendations for a given Object-context?A . Collection Filter B. Get Records C. Edit Records D. Delete Records E. AssignmentView AnswerAnswer: E

October 22, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which field in the recommendation object automatically displays a checked checkbox if the Action associated to that Recommendation is functional?

Which field in the recommendation object automatically displays a checked checkbox if the Action associated to that Recommendation is functional?A . Flow Availability B. Is Flow Active C. Active? D. Is Action ActiveView AnswerAnswer: D

October 21, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

In the context of a Strategy what type of elements act as gates, using context information, such as the recordId of the page the user is viewing, to decide which sets of recommendations to allow?

In the context of a Strategy what type of elements act as gates, using context information, such as the recordId of the page the user is viewing, to decide which sets of recommendations to allow?A . Merge Logic Elements B. Branch Logic Elements C. Recommendation Logic Elements D. Lightning Flow...

October 20, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +