In case neither cron.allow nor cron.deny exist in /etc/, which of the following is true?

In case neither cron.allow nor cron.deny exist in /etc/, which of the following is true?A .  Without additional configuration, no users may have user specific crontabs.B .  Without additional configuration, all users may have user specific crontabs.C .  The cron daemon will refuse to start and report missing files in...

July 30, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

To prevent a specific user from scheduling tasks with at, what should the administrator do?

To prevent a specific user from scheduling tasks with at, what should the administrator do?A .  Add the specific user to /etc/at.allow file.B .  Add the specific user to [deny] section in the /etc/atd.conf file.C .  Add the specific user to /etc/at.deny file.D .  Add the specific user to nojobs...

July 29, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

What is NOT contained in the locale setting of the operating system?

What is NOT contained in the locale setting of the operating system?A .  currency symbolB .  languageC .  timezoneD .  thousands separatorView AnswerAnswer: C

July 27, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

What is true about the file /etc/localtime?

What is true about the file /etc/localtime?A .  It is a plain text file containing a string such as Europe/Berlin.B .  It is created and maintained by the NTP service based on the geolocation of the system's IP address.C .  It is a symlink to /sys/device/clock/ltime and always contains the...

July 27, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which command makes the shell variable named VARIABLE visible to subshells?

Which command makes the shell variable named VARIABLE visible to subshells?A .  export $VARIABLEB .  export VARIABLEC .  set $VARIABLED .  set VARIABLEE .  env VARIABLEView AnswerAnswer: B

July 26, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following commands should be added to /etc/bash_profile in order to change the language of messages for an internationalized program to Portuguese (pt)?

Which of the following commands should be added to /etc/bash_profile in order to change the language of messages for an internationalized program to Portuguese (pt)?A .  export LANGUAGE="pt"B .  export MESSAGE="pt"C .  export UI_MESSAGES="pt"D .  export LC_MESSAGES="pt"E .  export ALL_MESSAGES="pt"View AnswerAnswer: D

July 26, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following SQL queries counts the number of occurrences for each value of the field order_type in the table orders?

Which of the following SQL queries counts the number of occurrences for each value of the field order_type in the table orders?A .  SELECT order_type,COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE order_type=order_type;B .  SELECT order_type,COUNT(*) FROM orders GROUP BY order_type;C .  COUNT(SELECT order_type FROM orders);D .  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders ORDER BY order_type;E...

July 25, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

What command displays all aliases defined in the current shell?

CORRECT TEXT What command displays all aliases defined in the current shell? (Specify the command without any path information)View AnswerAnswer: alias, alias -p

July 24, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

In which file, if present, must all users be listed that are allowed to use the cron scheduling system?

CORRECT TEXT In which file, if present, must all users be listed that are allowed to use the cron scheduling system? (Specify the full name of the file, including path.)View AnswerAnswer: /etc/cron.allow

July 23, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which option in the /etc/ntp.conf file specifies an external NTP source to be queried for time information?

Topic 4, Essential System Services CORRECT TEXT Which option in the /etc/ntp.conf file specifies an external NTP source to be queried for time information? (Specify ONLY the option without any values or parameters.)View AnswerAnswer: server

July 22, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +