
Long lead-time items with stable demand would best be supported by a supply chain:

Long lead-time items with stable demand would best be supported by a supply chain:
A . using a pull system.
B . linked through an enterprise resources planning (ERP) system.
C . designed to be responsive.
D . positioning inventory close to the consumer.

Answer: D


Long lead-time items are items that take a long time to procure, produce, or deliver. Stable demand means that the demand for these items is predictable and does not fluctuate much over time. A supply chain that supports long lead-time items with stable demand would best be designed to position inventory close to the consumer, because this would reduce the delivery time and improve the customer service level. Positioning inventory close to the consumer also reduces the transportation costs and risks associated with long-distance shipments. A supply chain that uses a pull system, which is based on actual customer orders rather than forecasts, may not be suitable for long lead-time items, because it may not be able to meet the customer demand in a timely manner. A supply chain that is linked through an enterprise resources planning (ERP) system, which is a software system that integrates various business functions and processes, may improve the visibility and coordination of the supply chain, but it does not necessarily reduce the lead time or position inventory close to the consumer. A supply chain that is designed to be responsive, which means that it can quickly adapt to changes in demand or other variables, may not be necessary for long lead-time items with stable demand, because these items have low demand uncertainty and variability.

Reference: Inventory Positioning | Supply Chain Resource Cooperative

Push System vs. Pull System: Adopting A Hybrid Approach To MRP What Is Inventory Positioning in Supply Chain Management?

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