Containers are most like what?

Containers are most like what?A . a dedicated set of functions similar to API callsB . a client in a client server architectureC . a Virtual Machine ControllerD . an instance of an application that can be contained within a podView AnswerAnswer: A

November 1, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

After deploying, what must be done in order to access Watson Machine Learning services with a Rest API?

After deploying, what must be done in order to access Watson Machine Learning services with a Rest API?A . Generate evaluation scriptB . Generate the .jar fileC . Install xgboostD . Generate a bearer tokenView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation:

November 1, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the Services support provisioning instances on dedicated nodes from the User Interface?

Which of the Services support provisioning instances on dedicated nodes from the User Interface?A . Db2 WarehouseB . Watson Machine LearningC . Industry AcceleratorsD . RStudioView AnswerAnswer: B

November 1, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

By default, where are IBM Cloud Pak for Data user records stored?

By default, where are IBM Cloud Pak for Data user records stored?A . Internal repository databaseB . LDAPC . Db2 databaseD . Properties fileView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation:

October 28, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which Service is included in the base entitlement of IBM Cloud Pak for Data?

Which Service is included in the base entitlement of IBM Cloud Pak for Data?A . Analytics DashboardsB . Cognos AnalyticsC . Watson DiscoveryD . Watson AssistantView AnswerAnswer: D

October 28, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +