
How would you query specific partitions in a BigQuery table?

How would you query specific partitions in a BigQuery table?
A . Use the DAY column in the WHERE clause
B . Use the EXTRACT(DAY) clause
C . Use the __PARTITIONTIME pseudo-column in the WHERE clause
D . Use DATE BETWEEN in the WHERE clause

Answer: C


Partitioned tables include a pseudo column named _PARTITIONTIME that contains a date-based timestamp for data loaded into the table. To limit a query to particular partitions (such as Jan 1st and 2nd of 2017), use a clause similar to this: WHERE _PARTITIONTIME BETWEEN TIMESTAMP(‘2017-01-01’) AND TIMESTAMP(‘2017-01­02’)

Reference: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/partitioned­tables#the_partitiontime_pseudo_column

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