
How can the administrator change a VM storage policy for an ISO image?

A cloud administrator is In the process of troubleshooting a non-compliant object.

How can the administrator change a VM storage policy for an ISO image?
A . Modify the default VM storage policy and recreate the ISO image.
B . Modify the default VM storage policy.
C . Apply a new VM storage policy.
D . Attach the ISO Image to a virtual machine.

Answer: C


A VM storage policy is a set of rules that defines the storage requirements for a virtual machine or an object. A cloud administrator can create and apply different VM storage policies for different types of objects, such as virtual disks, ISO images, snapshots, etc1. Applying a new VM storage policy to an object will change its compliance status and trigger a reconfiguration task to move the object to a compatible datastore1.

Modifying the default VM storage policy will affect all the objects that use it, which may not be desirable. Recreating the ISO image is unnecessary and time-consuming. Attaching the ISO image to a virtual machine will not change its storage policy1.

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