Which of the following benefits would result from DDD's use of e-business?

DDD is a business which sells entertainment products and now wants to move to a position where it uses e-business as a fundamental part of its business strategy. Which of the following benefits would result from DDD's use of e-business? (Choose all that apply.)A . Cost reductions because of lower...

March 19, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following strategies has STU adopted to manage its reduced funding?

STU is a hospital that is wholly funded by its national government. In the last five years it has seen its funding cut by over 30% due to budgetary pressure on the government, caused by a global recession. As a result, the senior management team of STU has had to...

March 16, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following are Critical Success Factors for HHH?

HHH is an international distribution company which operates a number of large distribution warehouses. HHH employs over 10,000 staff who operate the warehouses 24 hours per day and process over 500,000 packages and parcels each day. HHH operates in a highly competitive market and the senior management team recognize the...

March 11, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following categorizations would be correct, according to McFarlan's Strategic Grid, for a system which is critical to sustaining existing business but its future strategic importance is considered to be low?

Which of the following categorizations would be correct, according to McFarlan's Strategic Grid, for a system which is critical to sustaining existing business but its future strategic importance is considered to be low?A . TurnaroundB . SupportC . StrategicD . FactoryView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Reference: https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=spVXv8BW­ycC&pg=PA217&lpg=PA217&dq=categorizations+would+be+correct,+according+to+McFarlan%27s +Strategic+Grid,+for+a+system+which+is+critical+to+sustaining+existing+business+but+its+future +strategic+importance+is+considered+to+be+low&source=bl&ots=W9s2tpnYqU&sig=ACfU3U2nIV0lqM5hdp8Ql1ZmanscOkFJmg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik_I2Zh93mAhUB6RoKHchJAdAQ6AEwAHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=categorizations%20would %20be%20correct%2C%20according%20to%20McFarlan's%20Strategic%20Grid%2C%20for%20a%20system%20which%20is%20critical%20to%20sustaining%20existing%20business%20but%20its%20future%20strategic%20importance%20is%20considered%20to%20be%20low&f=false

March 9, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which THREE of the following frameworks are used solely to evaluate the external environment of an organization? (Choose three.)

Which THREE of the following frameworks are used solely to evaluate the external environment of an organization? (Choose three.)A . Porter's Value ChainB . Kaplan and Norton's Balanced ScorecardC . PEST AnalysisD . Porter's DiamondE . SWOT analysisF . Porter's Five Forces ModelView AnswerAnswer: ACF Explanation: Reference: http://www.cimaglobal.com/Documents/ImportedDocuments/cid_tg_strategic_position_mar08.pdf.pdf

March 7, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +