What command is usedtofind out which port Multi-Portal has assigned to the Mobile Access Portal?

What command is usedtofind out which port Multi-Portal has assigned to the Mobile Access Portal?A . mpclient getdata sslvpnB . netstat -nap | grep mobileC . mpclient getdata mobiD . netstat getdata sslvpnView AnswerAnswer: D

September 5, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following daemons is used for Threat Extraction?

Which of the following daemons is used for Threat Extraction?A . scrubdB . extractdC . texD . tedexView AnswerAnswer: B

September 4, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What do you need to do to make this configuration work immediately and stay permanent?

You have configured IPS Bypass Under Load function with additional kernel parameters ids_tolerance_no_stress=15 and ids_tolerance_stress-15 For configuration you used the *fw ctl set' command After reboot you noticed that these parameters returned to their default values. What do you need to do to make this configuration work immediately and stay...

September 3, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following information is available in the core dump and may be used to identify the root cause of the crash?

When a User Mode process suddenly crashes it may create a core dump file. Which of the following information is available in the core dump and may be used to identify the root cause of the crash? i Program Counter ii Stack Pointer ii. Memory management information iv Other Processor...

September 3, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which domain contains network objects and security policies?

Check Point's PostgreSQL is partitioned into several relational database domains. Which domain contains network objects and security policies?A . User DomainB . System DomainC . Global DomainD . Log DomainView AnswerAnswer: C

September 2, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which directory is used for the Malware database?

Rules within the Threat Prevention policy use the Malware database and network objects. Which directory is used for the Malware database?A . $FWDIR/conf/install_manager_tmp/ANTIMALWARE/conf/B . $CPDIR/conf/install_manager_lmp/ANTIMALWARE/conf/C . $FWDlR/conf/install_firewall_imp/ANTIMALWARE/conf/D . $FWDlR/log/install_manager_tmp/ANTIMALWARBlog?View AnswerAnswer: D

September 2, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

The two procedures available for debugging in the firewall kernel are

The two procedures available for debugging in the firewall kernel are i fw ctl zdebug ii fw ctl debug/kdebug Choose the correct statement explaining the differences in the twoA . (i) Is used for general debugging, has a small buffer and is a quick way to set kernel debug flags...

September 1, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which command do you need to execute to insert fw monitor after TCP streaming (out) in the outbound chain using absolute position? Given the chain was 1ffffe0, choose the correct answer.

Which command do you need to execute to insert fw monitor after TCP streaming (out) in the outbound chain using absolute position? Given the chain was 1ffffe0, choose the correct answer.A . fw monitor Cpo -0x1ffffe0B . fw monitor Cp0 ox1ffffe0C . fw monitor Cpo 1ffffe0D . fw monitor Cp0...

September 1, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What are the four ways to insert an FW Monitor into the firewallkernel chain?

What are the four ways to insert an FW Monitor into the firewallkernel chain?A . Relative position using location, relativepositionusing alias, absolute position, all positionsB . Absolute position using location, absolute position using alias, relative position, all positionsC . Absolute position using location, relative position using alias, general position, all...

August 30, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

URL Filtering is an essential part of Web Security in the Gateway. For the Security Gateway to perform a URL lookup when a client makes a URL request, where is the sync-request forwarded from if a sync-request is required''

URL Filtering is an essential part of Web Security in the Gateway. For the Security Gateway to perform a URL lookup when a client makes a URL request, where is the sync-request forwarded from if a sync-request is required''A . RAD Kernel SpaceB . URLF Kernel ClientC . URLF Online...

August 29, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +