
Can resource record sets in a hosted zone have a different domain suffix (for example, www.blog. acme.com and www.acme.ca)?

Can resource record sets in a hosted zone have a different domain suffix (for example, www.blog. acme.com and www.acme.ca)?
A .  Yes, it can have for a maximum of three different TLDs.
B .  Yes
C .  Yes, it can have depending on the TL
E .  No

Answer: D


The resource record sets contained in a hosted zone must share the same suffix. For example, the example.com hosted zone can contain resource record sets for www.example.com andwww.aws.example.com subdomains, but it cannot contain resource record sets for a www.example.ca subdomain.

Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/AboutHostedZones.html

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