Which of the following characteristics is most distinctive of lean manufacturing?

Which of the following characteristics is most distinctive of lean manufacturing?A . TeamworkB . Continuous improvementC . Qualitative measurementsD . Bottom-line resultsView AnswerAnswer: B

June 9, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

After a quality improvement program has been successfully implemented, the greatest cost of controlling quality typically is the cost of:

After a quality improvement program has been successfully implemented, the greatest cost of controlling quality typically is the cost of:A . failure.B . appraisal.C . prevention.D . inspection.View AnswerAnswer: C

June 8, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

The primary purpose of enterprise resources planning is to:

The primary purpose of enterprise resources planning is to:A . focus on the manufacturing function within an organization.B . integrate an approach to business management.C . use external knowledge to seek an internal advantage.D . provide data protection along the supply chain.View AnswerAnswer: B

June 7, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following smoothing constants places the most weight on the old forecast?

Which of the following smoothing constants places the most weight on the old forecast?A . 0.4B . 0.3C . 0.2D . 0.1View AnswerAnswer: D

June 6, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following manufacturing processes would be characterized by a narrow range of standard products, low direct labor costs, and a high level of technical support for manufacturing?

Which of the following manufacturing processes would be characterized by a narrow range of standard products, low direct labor costs, and a high level of technical support for manufacturing?A . JobbingB . IntermittentC . FlowD . ProjectView AnswerAnswer: C

June 6, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Inventory turns is an appropriate performance measure for which of the following functions?

Inventory turns is an appropriate performance measure for which of the following functions?A . Material controlB . Activity-based costing controlC . Total quality managementD . Flexible manufacturingView AnswerAnswer: A

June 5, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

In an assemble-to-order production environment, the master production schedule contains:

In an assemble-to-order production environment, the master production schedule contains:A . standard items.B . finished items.C . raw materials.D . subassemblies.View AnswerAnswer: D

June 5, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

An order winner is a competitive characteristic that:

An order winner is a competitive characteristic that:A . is universal between customers and markets.B . differentiates among potential customers.C . a company must exhibit to be considered a potential supplier.D . a company must exhibit to gain new sales.View AnswerAnswer: D

June 3, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following factors is most likely to affect the demand for a company's services or products?

Which of the following factors is most likely to affect the demand for a company's services or products?A . The sales and operations planB . Demand forecastingC . Resource availabilityD . Economic conditionsView AnswerAnswer: D

June 1, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which plant type describes a product at one stage that can be transformed into several distinct products at the next stage (divergent points)?

Which plant type describes a product at one stage that can be transformed into several distinct products at the next stage (divergent points)?A . A-PlantB . I-PlantC . T-PlantD . V-PlantView AnswerAnswer: D

May 31, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +